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      I am sitting here in my taxi listening to Bill Bennett's Morning in America through the KRLA 870 radio web site.  The point that got me was Mr. Bennett reporting that Mr. Obama voted against a bill that would protect a baby's life if that child is born during a "late term partial birth abortion" procedure.  This means that if when a doctor is doing a partial birth abortion procedure and the child is completely born the doctor can let that child die.  What can you say about a person, Mr. Obama, who thinks this is correct?

      Another issue with Mr. Obama is that he has chosen to opt out of the public funding program.  I always wondered what that "do you want to give a dollar to the presidential campaign" on my tax form meant.  Now I know.

    The issues here of course are lying and wanting the advantage of having lots of money.  Mr. Obama said he would use public funds.  By doing so he and Mr McCain would be limited to 80 million available to each candidate.  However, Mr. Obama saw that it would be more beneficial to have more than 80 billion and turned his back on the idea that money corrupts political campaigns. 

      In addition, I have been listening to the new interest in drilling in areas protected by government.  My opinion is simple. Burning fossil fuels harms people and allows unscrupulous greedy people to financially abuse people.  The challenge of oil high prices has fueled new technology that can separate us  from a product that poisons the environment and allows greedy people to steal our hard earned money.

       Oil exploration in America will be a little to late and a continuous practice of contamination.  It will take time to find and develop this oil.  It is not a final solution because even that oil will run out.  Therefore, instead of investing in hydrogen fuel cell cars, which can separate us completely from oil companies, we are going to invest in developing an oil source that is limited, will continue poisoning the planet, and allow oil companies to have us over a financial barrel.

     My last thought for today is that even though we have no respect for McCain  we have to help him win because Obama is just to dangerous for the country.


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Comments (Page 1)
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on Jun 20, 2008

Obama voted against a bill that would protect a baby's life if that child is born during a "late term partial birth abortion" procedure. This means that if when a doctor is doing a partial birth abortion procedure and the child is completely born the doctor can let that child die. What can you say about a person, Mr. Obama, who thinks this is correct?

What I've got to say about Barack Hussein Obama is that he is a, insincere, selfish hypocrite.

When he was cadging votes during the Maryland and Virgina primaries, he said that "we've got to be our brother's keeper" and "hope focuses on the future"..

First, by his vote against the bill, Obama refuses to recognize the little baby who survives an abortion IS  his little brother (or sister).

Second, when Obama says, we've got to be our brother's keeper, he doesn't mean it to include the little baby who survives an abortion .

He selfishly allowed his own little girls to come to term and be born, yet by his 100% pro abortion voting record denies other babies to be born. What about their hope? What about their future?

Obama has promised the pro-abortion crowd that he'll work diligently to deny unborn babies their freedom to be born to enjoy all lifes choices. By his votes, Obama denies unborn babies their unalienable First Amendment right to life.

He claims he's a Christian, yet doesn't obey Almighty God's commandment, "Thou shalt not kill".  You can't vote for abortion and be Christian at the same time.

Obama uses people, even his own daughters. At a townhall meeting in Pennsylvania, he said something like this:

 when it comes to HIV/AIDS, education is most important, teaching children about contraception, becasue I've got 2 daughters 9 and 6 years old. I'm going to teach them about faith and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby.  

His solution is to KILL THE MISTAKE. His solution is to KILL HIS GRANDCHILD.

We've got to get the truth out....as far as the Democrat's presidential candidate, Obama is concerned.  He sees some unborn babies as punishment, not gifts from Almighty God.

His message is----if elected, I will continue the killing our progeny in the womb by keeping abortion on demand.  Some unborn babies arent' hope for the future...and they certainly aren't our little brothers and sisters.






on Jun 20, 2008
Eh abortions are fine and I usually find ignorance to blame for a large portion of people in the U.S. still being pro-life... but still I must agree abortions should be kept before the third trimester, it is basically murder after that point.
on Jun 20, 2008
I must agree abortions should be kept before the third trimester, it is basically murder after that point.

What's your reasoning here? The baby in the womb isn't "alive" before the third trimester and so it isn't murder then?
on Jun 20, 2008
I must agree abortions should be kept before the third trimester, it is basically murder after that point.What's your reasoning here? The baby in the womb isn't "alive" before the third trimester and so it isn't murder then?

Alive is a relative term wouldn't you say? I don't consider minor brainstem activity as "alive" personally in the first and and second trimesters, but by the time the baby has significant sensory input (third trimester) I do feel it is developed enough to be considered a human being.

I think the issue is best discussed from a practical standpoint rather than one of mixed sciences or clashing ideologies. The ideal (for both sides) would be to never have an abortion performed in this country ever wouldn't you say? No one wants to destroy human potential.* The reality however is that women will always be seeking abortions for an array of reasons, so rather than expose a large segment of the population to dangerous back-alley abortion conditions, why not provide a healthy and safe means for the mother to realize a decision she has long made about her own body.

It is a last resort after all; as this country pushes more toward distributing birth control means and educating young people about sexual activity (rather than hysterically demanding abstinence) we will inevitably see a decline in abortions. In the mean time, abortion is not murder - forcing a woman to bear a child she is not fit to raise is much more sinister in my opinion.
on Jun 20, 2008
Alive is a relative term wouldn't you say? I don't consider minor brainstem activity as "alive" personally in the first and and second trimesters,

Check with any medical doctor and you'll find that they've determined that life begins at fertilization. Yup, at fertilization a unique human life begins.

I guess you haven't seen any ultrasound photos of how wonderfully formed little babies are even at 6 weeks brainwaves are detected. By 8 weeks, the baby is kicking and fingerprints form. A week later, the baby can hear, turn his head, frown, hiccup, and react to loud noises. By 11 weeks, all bodily functions are functioning, and the baby can grasp, yawn, suck and swallow. At 12 weeks, bodily parts that enable pain sensation are in place. At 13-15 weeks, a baby's taste buds resemble a mature adults and the baby is able to taste the flavor of his mother's meals through the amniotic fluid.

So, no "alive" isn't a relative term at all, at least when it comes to unborn life in the mother's womb.

on Jun 20, 2008
Check with any medical doctor and you'll find that they've determined that life begins at fertilization. Yup, at fertilization a unique human life begins.

Something tells me its not any medical doctor that would tell me as much as any pro-life medical doctor haha. But like I said before (which you so kindly chose to disregard ) we can dissect the science as well as the abstract/morality of it all day, but when it comes down to it women will seek abortions and we as a society have the obligation to provide them a healthy and safe means of obtaining them.

Once again to quote myself:

It is a last resort after all; as this country pushes more toward distributing birth control means and educating young people about sexual activity (rather than hysterically demanding abstinence) we will inevitably see a decline in abortions. In the mean time, abortion is not murder - forcing a woman to bear a child she is not fit to raise is much more sinister in my opinion.
on Jun 20, 2008
Something tells me its not any medical doctor that would tell me as much as any pro-life medical doctor haha.

we can dissect the science as well as the abstract/morality of it all day,

Yes, we sure can...however, I gave my reply based upon your fully loaded questions.

Alive is a relative term wouldn't you say?

The baby in the womb isn't "alive" before the third trimester and so it isn't murder then?

Something tells me its not any medical doctor that would tell me as much as any pro-life medical doctor haha.

Please humor me while I make one more point on when life begins in the womb becasue that happens to be one of the most fundamental issues for both the pro-life and pro-abortion camps.

Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a former champion of abortion, admitted he performed some 10,000 abortions ought to know. He's now converted and tells how he and the pro-abortion camp worked hard to confuse us on the status of the preborn baby.

Truth is the science of embryology has long known that a person starts life as an embryo within the body of a female and that embryo is formed from the fusion of 2 single cells. the ovum and the sperm. It's really quite simple: life begins at fertilization.

women will seek abortions and we as a society have the obligation to provide them a healthy and safe means of obtaining them.

Do we say the same of women addicted to smoking?

This is the rationalization of the culture of death that says if your gonna kill an innocent in the womb, you better convince yourself and others that it's right....that you do it out of compassion, blah, blah. After this, the rationalization requires that society affirms the spread of death from the unborn to the nearly born (partial birth abortion), and then to the infirm, disabled, chronically ill, or otherwise burdensome individuals.

This is the abortion movements claim but it's absolutely not true, right or correct. Just because some women seek abortions as a solution to their "problem", doesn't mean society has an obligation to provide them. No sir, not at all. That would be societal affirmation that abortion is a positive good, when it's not. It's just the opposite. Abortion is taking an innocent human's life and that can never, ever be morally justified.

Sure, people will inevitably try to advance their own moral disorders. However, once a society adopts those justifications for those moral disorders as its own (public policy), it's headed for the ash heap of history.

on Jun 20, 2008
The reality however is that women will always be seeking abortions for an array of reasons, so rather than expose a large segment of the population to dangerous back-alley abortion conditions, why not provide a healthy and safe means for the mother to realize a decision she has long made about her own body.

The "back alley abortion conditions" is yet another utilitarian argument for the need of legalized abortion. This was thoroughy discussed on another blog. It would be well worth it for you to read Locamama's "The anti-choicers do it again."

Before Roe v. Wade (1973), there were far fewer abortions and most were performed by medical personnel in proper conditions. Bottom line: "Legalization" produces increased, now some 1.3 million per year in the USA, numbers of abortion, but not necessarily safer ones.

on Jun 20, 2008
It is a last resort after all; as this country pushes more toward distributing birth control means and educating young people about sexual activity (rather than hysterically demanding abstinence) we will inevitably see a decline in abortions.

Actually, permissive contraceptive classroom sex instruction has more school kids fornicating, thus the rates of STDs, STIs, and of abortion of young girls, ages 13-19 is higher.

In the mean time, abortion is not murder - forcing a woman to bear a child she is not fit to raise is much more sinister in my opinion.

I've already said:

This is the rationalization of the culture of death that says if your gonna kill an innocent in the womb, you better convince yourself and others that it's right....that you do it out of compassion, blah, blah.

No sale with me.

Every time Obama votes for abortion and its related issues, he's furthering the culture of death and cooperating in evil and I'll have no part of it.

on Jun 21, 2008
Let me guess, you're against stem cell research as well? I liked Horton Hears a Who as much as the next guy, but telling me a ball of cells = "a person is a person no matter how small" is scientifically inaccurate, any grad student with a microscope will tell you that.

Life begins at fertilization eh? Well I hope you and your blastula live happily ever after. Any freshman biology book will tell you that (mind you I'm a history major) the developments in the first trimester comprise of no significant brain activity, nor does the fetus have any sensory ability. Any argument that contradicts that is pro-life nonsense (not to say their isn't nonsense on the other side of the issue either.)

Furthering the culture of death and cooperating in evil... Your rationale seems to have slipped a tad wouldn't you say? I'd save the melodrama for the confession box, no one is out to do anything inherently evil; it is a conflict of morals I agree, but you have no right to declare that Obama furthers "the culture of death."
on Jun 21, 2008
Let me guess, you're against stem cell research as well?

Actually, I'm all for stem cell research...

but not embryonic stem cells...they are little people in their first stages of life, much the same as you and I were at one time.

Furthering the culture of death and cooperating in evil... Your rationale seems to have slipped a tad wouldn't you say?

No, I believe in absolutes...and also that you gotta draw the line somewhere or there won't be a line drawn at all.

With most things, I question not so much the legalities (mainly because in reality I can't do too much if anything about that angle), but the moral implications of the issue. The slaughter of the innocents by Herod was legal.

no one is out to do anything inherently evil;

Ya, right...and are you in the market for some dry swampland?

Yet, sadly true, in a way...for we've become insensitive to our own ills and turn away from the problems that are not our own. That attribute has been lost through erosion of common sense..on a higher level...conscience.

it is a conflict of morals I agree,

We've all got the ability to recognize right from wrong (evil); good from bad.

but you have no right to declare that Obama furthers "the culture of death."

This, I'm most curious to learn why you think that "I have no right" .....

on Jun 21, 2008
but still I must agree abortions should be kept before the third trimester, it is basically murder after that point.

Titan if you believe the above statement then surely you would agree that obama furthers a culture of death since Mr. "Obama voted against a bill that would protect a baby's life if that child is born during a "late term partial birth abortion" procedure."

Your own statements are contradictory... Which is it.
on Jun 21, 2008
but still I must agree abortions should be kept before the third trimester, it is basically murder after that point. Titan if you believe the above statement then surely you would agree that obama furthers a culture of death since Mr. "Obama voted against a bill that would protect a baby's life if that child is born during a "late term partial birth abortion" procedure."Your own statements are contradictory... Which is it.

Contradicting? No, I agree that abortions should be kept before the third trimester (the vast majority of which are anyway), that however does not justify slandering Obama as a death lord because his opinion differs from mine. His reasoning differs on the matter I'm sure (I can't justify aborting a baby with developed sensory skills) but that certainly does not make him the next Hitler sending babies to the slaughterhouse... there is nothing culturally relevant to his support of the issue. I'd be much more worried about the death penalty "furthering a culture of death" than abortions.

Probably not the best wording with "you have no right" @ lula but I dont see how hysterically slandering someone is ever proper methodology in expressing one's point of view.

I disagree on your black and white interpretation of morality, there is hardly ever a clear "good and evil" in the real world unless you're a puritan nutcase.
on Jun 21, 2008
Contradicting? No,

Good luck Polijunkie. On this one, TitansFan690 either wittingly or unwittingly doesn't see the forest for the trees.

It boils down to turning a blind eye to the evil of abortion and being unwilling to judge the actions of those politicians who further its practice by voting to keep it "legal".

Obama as a death lord

Well, isn't Obama playing God with innocent lives just as the majority of US Supreme Court Justices did 35 years ago when they invented laws that condemned innocent unborn babies to painful death for the crime of being "inconvenient" or as Obama has stated, "a mistake"?

but that certainly does not make him the next Hitler sending babies to the slaughterhouse...

Interesting choice of words, "Hitler" and "slaughterhouse".

All the US judges and all the politicians, Obama included, are responsible for the abortion holocaust which elipses Hitler's--somewhere around 45 million victims of abortuaries and counting...to the tune of 4,000 daily in the US alone.

I disagree on your black and white interpretation of morality, there is hardly ever a clear "good and evil" in the real world unless you're a puritan nutcase.

Every time an abortion is performed, an innocent baby is murdered. Those who see abortion as grey are the real holocasut deniers. Nine times out of ten, they are the ones who are largely driven by the need "to feel good about themselves".

Obama's 100% pro-abortion voting record proves he's a coward, besides being an insincere, selfish hypocrite.

on Jun 22, 2008
What I've got to say about Barack Hussein Obama

what i've got to say about joseph a. ratzinger is neither he nor obama selected his own middle name altho i guess it'd be equally fair to imply ratzinger's middle initial might as well stand for 'adolph' seeing as how he--and not barak--was a member of the hitler youth organization.

attempting to deliberately mislead others is exactly what's proscribed by that commandment not to bear false witness is it not?
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