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Any person who runs for the presidency of the USA better get ready to be scrutinized and have his statements analyzed. I cannot believe the nerve of Mr. Obama in stating that no one can question his patriotism. Mr. Obama you made it a point to point out that you consider wearing an American flag pin and putting your hand over your heart when the national anthem is playing as empty gestures. I have the right to look at these statements among other you have made and analyze them.
The American voter will make his or her decision based on information he or she has. How is a person going to become informed about exactly who you are as a leader if he or she does not question you and your statements? By asking questions and questioning your answers is how people are going to get to know who you are Mr. Obama.
I personally will question your patriotism. The war in Iraq was an essential action necessary to prevent further terrorist attacks. I was watching Nova online and in a program about doctors at war the chronology in Iraq was reported as American soldiers entered Iraq on April, defeated Sadam’s army by May, and had calm for about a few months. It was not until some one set insurgencies and Al Qaeda in motion that the violence the liberal news media is obsessed with showing to the American public started. In my opinion, Sadam could not be left alone to create any type of weapon he wanted in secrecy. Therefore, I’ll question the patriotism of any one who speaks in negative terms about the war in Iraq in order to achieve political gains. I mean playing politics with the issues.
Alegria Online MallFredericks of Hollywood, Bare Necessities, Bella Beachware, Dainties, and Flirty Lingerie.
Moreover, one of your reps said you are not running on your military experience. Instead, you running on your judgement, charisma, and change. Well for 20 years you were part of a church with a very anti-American pastor. I do not consider this good judgement. You have no charisma. Just because you can smile in cynicism when denouncing conservative philosophy does not mean you have charisma. Moreover, your social-economic policies are the same old tired policies of tax and spend that have never helped America.
Furthermore, your people are out there criticizing bloggers for criticizing your religion, your name, and your race, not your stance on the issues. You and your staff probably do not have enough time to read all the BLOGS that are out there criticizing you. However, no one can accuse me of only speaking of petty issues. I make it a point to discuss your announced policy initiatives.
The truth be known I do not like you. Mr. Obama you are everything that is wrong in America. The modern society has a lot of immature people who do not take time to study, yet hold the attitude that they know everything. Even worst is your deliberate allegiance to democratic policies of Abortion and punishing the successful. I am kind of curious why the poor would believe you, if the minute they succeed you are going to turn against them and over tax them for succeeding.
Sir, many of us are very well aware of your policies. We will question them. We will write about them to inform the public. It is starting to seem like you, Mr. Obama, do not want an informed public. What are you afraid of? Everyone knows you have no management and/or administrative experience. By now people know your economic and social policies. We have all seen the people you call friends and associate. Therefore, what is it exactly you are hiding from in this campaign?
Well, I am sorry. No amount of belly aching on your part Mr. Obama will keep intelligent people uninformed. I personally feel an obligation to try and inform the public. America is very important and Mr. Obama you are not worthy of serving as her president. The more people hear you speak the more they will come to that conclusion. Moreover, Mr. Obama in case being a constitutional professor did not educate on this fact, this is the United States of America where every person has the right of free speech. If you do not like this right maybe you need to find your self another country.
In closing, we will question, analyze, and exercise our right to free speech, whether you like it or not, Mr. Obama.
Alegria Online Mall: Sierra Club, Quaremasters, Sierra Trading Post, Military Clothing.Com, and Outdoor Superstore.
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