opinion pages and articles on the beauty of life: friendship, family, love, romance, marriage, parenting, etc...
Published on August 1, 2008 By jesseledesma In Politics

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     Sometimes I find it strange that even though I do not have contact with certain people, it is like we share the same thoughts.  Mr. Rush Limbaugh, who is celebrating 20 years at his talk show radio program today was talking about the value of the hard working American who builds his and/or her life and in doing so helps fund the American government.

     Yesterday, I wrote a BLOG article on the very same subject.  However, I have installed new firewalls in all my computers and this article was eaten by the cyber-demons.  I use Windows Live Writer to write and post my BLOG articles.  Yesterday when I hit publish, my XP desktop froze.  I waited for it to unfreeze, but it did not.  After I hit restart, the menu box with my login information for Joeuser came up, but it was to late.  When I re-opened Windows live writer to find the article, it was no where to be found.

     I was going to try an recreate the article, however, I write about what moves me.  Today, I am further convinced the Obama is wrong for the nation.  Capitalist societies succeed because the people have confidence the government is not going to steal their wealth and property. 

     This is why many choose to come to America and try to build a life.  We all know of the millions who have immigrated to America.  Many in their past homelands had those governments take their businesses, homes, and money.  Therefore, they chose to come to a country were the federal government does not make it a practice of stealing. 

     This is what makes America work.  This government is not a tyrannical and vicious government that knocks down doors and carries away everything it wants.   For example, look at recent developments in Venezuela. 

     I wonder, if Mr. Obama  is consciously aware that he is speaking of economic division.  Is there one group in the country that is worthy of taking the hard earned wealth of hard working Americans?  I thought September 11, 2001 taught all who live with in Americas’ borders that we are all are “one”.  Apparently, we are many, we are divided, and some among us want to take what their neighbor has earned.  Theft is theft no matter what rhetoric you use to justify it. 

     When Obama speaks of higher taxes for the rich, he is talking about stealing from the successful.   There is a tax that is reasonable and justified to fund the operations of the federal government.  I have no right to burden my neighbor.  My neighbor has no right to burden me.  In addition government should not be the tool that lazy, traumatized, unproductive citizens use to steal from the successful. 

     Living in the land of opportunity means none of us has an excuse for failure.  Behave and pay attention in the first 12 years of your education and you will receive your high school diploma at graduation.  Behave and pay attention and you will have the grades to get in to the university of your choice.  Take your college studies seriously and you will graduate with a good GPA and be desired by “Corporate America”.  Once you have found a good salary, then you will have the necessary resources to have a good family life. 

     It is us.  My parents did not care about me.  I dropped out of high school and they didn’t even know it.  It took me 20 years to settle down my overt passion against humans and life.  However, today I can say I can manage my life with out letting the environment get the better of me. 

     Things could of been different.  I lived the right kind of early childhood to be an addict and have serious mental and physical complications.  However, I spent so much time meditating on life that I came across the positive and progressive philosophy.  This is not a substitute for God.

     Moreover, our modern culture teaches us to be negative and cynical about everything.  Tell me , when was the last time you heard a positive and uplifting story?  All the media knows how to do is shine a light on problems.  Therefore, it should not be a surprise to you that you are negative and cynical about life. 

     Life, however, is what we make it.  Attitude, shapes our personal circumstances.  If we are negative, we are living a life were things are missing.  Marital happiness does not come from being negative and cynical.  It takes two mature, respectful, and responsible  people, who know how to enjoy life and who can give and receive intimacy to make a marriage work.

     Government cannot instill these values in a person.  The reason many of us do not want government in the business of teaching values in the public schools is because of which values are going to be taught.  Social liberals think it is a good idea to teach young public school children how to masturbate.  Many disagree with this intent.  The majority does not support this type of “social engineering”.  However, because the liberals control public education, they think they can us the public schools to further their “social engineering agenda”.

In my opinion, Obama is part of this agenda.  With a crass and cynical voice he speaks about the wealth of the nation.  Wealth is a personal thing and belongs to the individual who earned it.  Government only has the right to charge the taxes that will generate the revenue necessary to fund the programs the “majority” has agreed are necessary to sustain society.

     However, lately Obama has been talking about a “windfall profit tax” for oil companies that will be used to give the average American $1000.  Now, I know oil companies are shamelessly profiteering from the current global economic situation.  The answer, however, is just for people to stop using their product.

     Education and higher fuel cost have generated industrial innovations we should not turn our back on.  All of us, as we drive our gasoline vehicles are releasing Carbon Dioxide, Methane,  Nitrous Oxide and other contaminants  in to the atmosphere.  We then breath these substances.  Therefore, we are contaminating the air, ground, and water. 

     However, there are now alternative fuels and alternative vehicles.  The “hydrogen fuel cell” car has no tail pipe emissions that contaminate the earth.  You have the Internet at your disposal. Look it up.  The problem is that gas stations are not investing in having “hydrogen fuel” pumps available to the public.

     The motivator has to the be public.  Big, old dragon, corporations are going to sell gas burning cars to the public as long as they can.  The consumer has to force industry to change.  Stop buying gas cars, period.

     Now, back to politics.  I would rather that government respect the hard working Americans who make America work.  They make America successful.  My success does not contribute to some one else’s failure.  We do it to our selves with out perception of life and our attitude.

     All these people Obama talks about who are struggling and need assistance have done it to them selves.  They did not graduate from high school.  They did not go to college or finish college.  They chose to over spend to quell their discontent with life.  They got some one pregnant or allowed them selves to get pregnant, knowing they could not afford the child.  Every job they have ever had they have sabotaged.  In other words, they believed in nothing. Therefore they invested in nothing substantial.

     This is not the fault of the productive successfully people of America.  The successfull approach life with a positive perspective and invest in their life.  These are the core values government should be promoting.  The only involvement  of government in social issues I can support is the promotion through education of generic values that do not offend people’s culture idioms.

     It is not the function of government to facilitate slothfulness.  Again, I state that conditioning people who were “beaten up”by life and who find it convenient not try and take care of them selves to government dependency will encourage slothfulness and discourage achievement.  Why accomplish anything, if government is going to take it from you.

     Who is Obama to divide America and make people envious of each other?  You want to unit Americans to make a strong country then unite neighbors under the banner of the progressive and positive philosophy of personal achievement.  People will succeed and America will continue to be successful.


on Aug 05, 2008

      Living in the land of opportunity means none of us has an excuse for failure.  Behave and pay attention in the first 12 years of your education and you will receive your high school diploma at graduation.  Behave and pay attention and you will have the grades to get in to the university of your choice.  Take your college studies seriously and you will graduate with a good GPA and be desired by “Corporate America”.  Once you have found a good salary, then you will have the necessary resources to have a good family life.

Unfortunately, poverty-stricken Americans cannot afford to get into a good college. They can make the best grades in the world, but not have the money to take the tests because of their boozing father. They can be the hardest worker, but go to a poor school in a poor community, without having the money to transfer to a better school because of their floosy mother. Because of the costs of medications for a brother with diabetes in a disabled widdow's household with four children, a young schollar will have to drop out of high-school and get a job to help support her family. When was the last time that you saw a Rhodes schoillar coming from the ghetto? There is not equal opportunity. Obama stands to help bring the classes closer together, so that potential will be recognized no matter where it comes from.