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     What does it take to inspire people?  I ask this question because a republican is going around offering suggestions about conservatives issuing a “positive message” such as Obama’s.   Well, let us look at Mr. Obama’s so called “positive message”.

     Several days ago I heard him is his usual sardonic and sarcastic voice criticize republicans for  being ignorant and lying about his energy policy.  When the news shows him speaking about any of his initiatives, I do not think he can criticize when people quote him.

     For me a person has to be as positive as his message.  I do not think that sarcasm and ridicule measure up to the image of a person with a “positive message”.  You cannot just says the words.  You have to live your rhetoric.  In more than one occasion I have seen Mr. Obama respond with this sarcastic and sardonic tone, ridiculing his critics.

     In addition, his message is not that positive.  His core message is “change to build a better America”.  This is based on the idea that Bush the republican conservative was bad so a liberal democrat must be good.  In a month it will be seven years since the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and Pennsylvania.  Not one terrorist attack has happened on American soil since then.  This is not because of Obama.  This is because of president Bush.

     Bush inherited the Al Qaeda threat from an impotent liberal democrat, Bill Clinton. We know that the people who attacked America were in the country for over three years.  This was Clinton’s presidency.  We know Clinton had opportunities to neutralize Osama Bin Laden and he failed to act.

     On the other hand Bush assessed the threat accordingly.  The Taliban in Afghanistan were shielding Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden.  Hussien of Iraq was playing games with the weapons inspectors and under no circumstances could a person of Sadam’s personality be allowed to work in secret on any type of weapon he chose to work on.  Liberal’s failure to act led to the attacks of 9/11.

      If just because there were challenges and the news media and democrats were doing everything to sabotage Bush, we are to believe republicans are wrong, then politics really are a fickle and petty business.  There are many things that transcend politics.  Life, liberty, and security should never be played with.  It is my opinion, that the democrats were more concerned about sabotaging president Bush then the safety and security of America.  Obama is part of this effort to sabotage.  Is this really change for the good?

      We now know that the people who were convinced that sending 20,000 or more troops in Iraq were correct.  These were people of military experience and university education in military science.  Mr. Obama, who has never been in the military or studied military science said it would not work and would be a waste of time.  McCain and the others with education and experience were correct.  The people with no education and experience in military matters were wrong. 

     Furthermore, Obama’s core message has grown from change from a perceived bad republican leadership to a liberal one to now include change from a nation in economic crisis because of bad republican leadership.  In 2006 before liberal democrats were put in to the majority in congress gas prices were manageable.  In the two years the liberal democrats have been in office gas prices has reached four dollars in most areas.

     Moreover, Obama speaks of the “wealth of the nation” that can be used to help those struggling in America.  However, Mr. Obama is not speaking of the money the federal government has at the treasury.  Mr. Obama is speaking about the money people have in their 401k plans, savings accounts, and the income they earn.  America is a work in progress.  Her stability comes from people having confidence they can follow their dreams and not have their rewards stolen from them by the federal government.   Obama  has stated very clearly that he plans to tax all successful people in order to give “universal healthcare”, college education, and a retirement that would make a congress representative envious to those he sees as struggling.

     I do not see how interfering with the confidence of the citizen to pursue his or her dreams is going to be good for the country.  There are rewards for the committed and dedicated followers of their dreams.  Public education, public healthcare, and all other social programs are funded by the taxes successful people pay. 

    None of these social opportunities have worked for some people.  What exactly is Obama going to do for people who live in the land of opportunity, yet fail to build a life?  Is he under the impression, “if you just throw money at it”, it will get better? I make this point because public education is for everyone.  College grants are available for many.  There are millions of jobs in America.  Find a job web site and you will see all the jobs Americans do not want to do today.  I say there are jobs, just not jobs people want.  How can anyone say, that they cannot make it in this country?

     My life is for me to manage.  I do not want to steal anything my neighbor owns.  I may want to borrow his wife.  Just kidding.  Mr. Bill gates has been fortunate.  It is his fortune.  I have no right to it.  In addition, Mr. Gates pays a lot of taxes that fund public services.  Again all the people who are claiming that they are struggling had access to these public services, yet they were unable to use them to build a life.

     Therefore, what exactly is Obama’s change for the better?  Shall we stop promoting success through sacrifice to make our dreams come true?  Shall we stop speaking of a healthy, positive, and progressive attitude?  Shall we excuse everyone’s failures, pay off their self-inflicted debt, and tell them to stay home from now on and wait for their government check? 

     Does Mr. Obama honestly believe that he can punish success and that people won’t stop succeeding?  Quality healthcare in America is possible because of the incentive to earn.  The people with the best reputation for providing good healthcare, get the customers.  Socialist and communist societies have no incentive for the worker to perform.  We are seeing oil consumption decreasing because of oil companies shameless profiteering.  This is an example  of the customer choosing not to purchase a product sold by people they do not respect.  In response oil companies have had to lower their prices.  “This is the free market” at work.  Oh and by the way under Bush the tax revenue has increased.  The federal government is collecting record taxes.  This was not done with tax increase.

     Hence, my summation is that Obama speaks of a change for the worst.  It is not in the best interest of America to kill the incentive for achievement.  Success results in tax revenue that funds public services.  It is not in the best interest of America to take the “rewards of labor” from the successful and give them to people who are not fit to succeed.  It is not in the interest of America to go deeper in debt trying to give every one a “goose that lays golden eggs”.  We were not guaranteed success, just the opportunity to succeed.  It is not in the best interest of America to generate “class envy”.  It is not in the best interest of America to choose and un-educated person with no experience over a person with education and experience.  If the president of America was chosen by a director of a corporation, Obama would of never been called in for an interview after they read his resume. McCain would of been at the top of the list of people to consider.  The reason is that McCain has the education and experience to fulfil the duties of the office of the president of the United States of America. 


on Aug 06, 2008

You never produced evidence regarding your thesis in the body of this post.  All you did was bad mouth Sen. Obama.

Whst experience does McCain have?  What is his education?


on Aug 06, 2008

Wouldn't you count posting letters full of antrax a terrorist attack or are you only counting those done by muslims?

If so there was only one on americain soil before 9/11 so its hardly a huge sample size to drawn conclusions fromn.

on Aug 06, 2008

Haven't I said something like this, except without it being a slander campaign? Your title and your subject are two different things. Sen. McCain's merit should be discussed, not Obama's lack thereof.

on Aug 11, 2008
McCain has the education and experience to fulfil the duties of the office of the president of the United States of America.

Care to elaborate, because after skimming through the 1 1/2 thousand words you wrote on that subject, I couldn't spot one mention of education or experience wrt McCain, only attacks on Obama.