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It is an embarrassment to the United States of America to have to support leadership of a nation who makes dumb choices. That separatist region has the right to self-determination. They also have the right to conduct business with who ever they want.
I do not believe Georgia had the right to invade that regions borders and start military actions. Georgia was not under attack from the region in question. No Georgian citizens had been taken hostage in the region or by people who support the region.
Now, the US has to put its “Ally Support” on the line. Does the US send troops to Georgia in defense of an Ally, knowing she will be picking a fight with a “big dragon”? The only answer is yes. Regardless, of Russia’s reaction the facts are that Russia used more force than necessary to deal with this challenge. Sending troops to return Georgian military to Georgia would of been enough. Russia instead, choose “brute retaliation”.
Under no circumstances should Russia get the impression that unjust treatment of an American Ally will be tolerated. If Mr. Bush had instituted the draft, I would of gladly gone and defended America and her Ally. Failure to act just emboldens and encourages this type of harsh behavior from immoral people.
I hope that sound, rational, and reasonable people lead their own war against Russia. Everyone, who believes in justice should divest economically from Russia and all who do business with her.