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I know I have written this essay before. However, sometimes it helps to revisit some issues. In my opinion, the principle relationship for a person is between them and God. It is essential that no government interfere in this relationship. It is also essential that parents not become an obstacle in this relationship.
Let’s look at the primary social dilemmas. People have trouble with the basic elements of life. We struggle to marry well, build a good home, have good relationships with our children, and our sense of peace is always in question. Other people complicate their lives with crime and/or substance abuse.
I am going to tell you exactly why all of this happens. Many parents fail to bond emotionally with their children which leads to developing children with emotional repression. Many parents complicate their children's lives further by not being a good morals and values teachers. I am not saying parents do not correct behavior and try to teach children the difference between right or wrong.
I am saying parents are bad messengers. Some resort to yelling, ranting, and raving. Others, utilize harsh forms of physical punishment. While still many lead poorly by example. Some parents are even confused about the right value or moral to teach. "Yes, Matilda. The parent is to blame."
However, environment has many elements that can further complicate a person’s life. A person who is emotionally repressed and has no strong moral and values background, is vulnerable and a possible victim of society. This person is unprepared to fight temptation in what ever form it presents itself.
We are made for love. All the time a developing child is yearning for love from people around him or her. This love should be nurturing, caring, and pleasurable. Abusive forms of love, denying love included, bring pain. Pain is something we want to avoid that is why we repress it. People with repressed emotions cannot give or receive love. When a parent fails to give a child love, the child will find other sources of love, including bad influences.
life is about the basics. We need food and water, shelter, clothe, friends, family, and a close romantic partner. This is not a secret. However, modern society is giving people the message that personal satisfaction comes from having more. You can buy all the electronics you want and you will still not be happy.
Now I bring this point about for many reasons. A person who has a relationship with God sees things for what they are and is fortified by his or her relationship with God. Hence one of my reason is to promote God. Another, reason is that unless politicians are going to do some thing about the complicated psychological nature of the “citizen”, they shouldn’t even pretend to think they can help the poor and underprivileged. People struggle with life because their developmental experience has shackled them with pain and a confused view of the world. No amount of “welfare” is going to fight these forces. My third reason is I believe “information is king”. Well informed people make better choices and are capable of meeting the challenges and demands of life.
[Disclaimer: The ideas expressed in this or any of my essays is not for the purpose of persecution or prosecution. I write with the hope that education will prepare the person for life.]
You can always follow the “pleasant rhetoric” or you can follow good science. The problem with the ideal all spouses should be honest is that it is to unrealistic. When confronted with a challenge with this ideal many go in to a crisis and the result is a ruined relationship. I am not saying married people should lie to each other. I am just saying that sometimes our unrealistic view of the world harms us.
People follow politics according to the unrealistic ideals of the liberals. Liberals think that life is outside the womb and there should be no problem with abortion. However, many women suffer greatly after having aborted a child. The ideal that people are suffering because the stress that trying to function in abusive environment of corporate greed has victimized them sounds plausible. However, people holding this ideal are blind to the facts of an adult having had a bad developmental experience and thus being “incapable” of having a good life no matter how much assistance they get.
The problem here is that failure to recognize the problem is a failure to have the correct remedy. The stock market crash of 1920 was 88 years ago. Even before then, federal and state governments have being experimenting with social services. However, American society has gotten worse, instead of better. I see a populous of vulgarity, disrespect, and violence. Therefore, how has abortion, pornography, premarital sex, drug use, bad attitude in school, and bad attitude in life helped the human experience?
With abortion we no longer respect life. With pornography we no longer respect our selves. With premarital sex we do not respect our partner, our children, and/or our society. Substance abuse and bad attitude are symptoms of supposed freedoms. Yes, we should invoke the sanctity of freedom and liberty in order to protect personal choices. However, we should not invoke America’s principle to excuse our selves for our bad behaviors.
This week a Christian pastor held a forum with Obama and McCain. Many issues were discussed. The candidates mentioned approaches to challenges. When speaking of social challenges, I did not hear how the personal developmental experience contributes to bad choices, which consequently contributes to a undesirable and impoverished life. Failure to recognize the cause is a failure to prepare the correct remedy. We have already had GED, substance abuse, abstinence classes, sex Ed, and many other social programs and we are no better as a society.
Obama speaks of the cruelty of America as if people who succeed are deliberately succeeding to hurt the unfortunate. However, I ask if success with blindness to our neighbors plight is bad, how much more bad is shackling our neighbor with our debt? All over the world people are making decisions that will create circumstances that some one else will have to deal with. Teen age girls have babies. Tax payers have to pay for healthcare, food, and all other needs of the child. Last time I checked, I did not see any one forcing pregnancy on teen girls or any other social ill on people. People choose the behavior and liberals help them excuse them selves from personal responsibility.
Obama’s answer to abortion in that Christian church was that he is a Christian but he believes "roe v wade" is necessary because a woman does not enter in to that decision lightly. Well the man and the woman have no problem entering in to a sexual relationship lightly. Who does not know about the potential of sex? Well if you are confused, let me enlighten you. Sex can lead to pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.
Now before I continue, let me issue my disclaimer about Pastor Rick Warren. It is my assessment that Pastor Warren personalizes his faith. By this I mean he has personal beliefs and uses the Bible to justify them. I offer as example his involvement in a group opinion about “global warming”. We as humans are contaminating and polluting the planet. There is great need to be “good stewards” of the home God has given us. However, giving the impression that “humans” can save the planet is closing our eyes to God’s preeminence. God has told everyone what human behavior will lead to. This will involve a change in planet Earth. Therefore, no amount of politicizing faith will save “current Earth”.
Having said the above I do assess the forum of that night as a fair and objective forum. The questions asked are of concern to many Americans, regardless of their religion or faith. In addition, I did not see any overt “Bible thumping”. Furthermore, I can say each candidate gave the standard party line answer. For Obama it meant again he appeared as disingenuous. The McCain I saw that night is the McCain that will win the presidency for 2008.
However, regardless of who wins, years of trauma and/or abuse cannot be legislated away with hopes of improving people's lives. People in a relationship with God can have their eyes, minds, and souls open to their reality and this can lead to people changing. Government should not create convenient excuses to personal responsibility. It is the job of government to protect and insure the common good, not play Robbing Hood. I spelled (robbing) correctly.
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