This morning, a taxi driver took out his towel, set it up in a corner, took his shoes off, and I assume he started praying to his god. He is lucky he is living in a country were he can do that with out being attacked. Mrs. Sarah Palin lives in this country too.
As is the case most of the times, when I write I am ussually inspired by some injustice I have witnessed. Last, night I saw Mr. Charlie Gibson, of ABC news attack Mrs. Palin for her faith. I was reviewing the web news pages for some notes on my video blog when I ran across a link to an ABC ineterview between Gibson and Palin. Mr. Gibson actually had the nerve to demand Mrs. Palin justify her statements that she had previously made in her church. I say demand because even the question is offensive.
The two issues that are bugging me here are "freedom of speech" and "right of religious epxpression". These are rights protected under the American Constitution. No one should be requirred by liberal news people, with no god, or any one else to justify their faith.
Now, the news people want to imply that because Mrs. Palin said that the mission in Iraq is a call from God that she is a religious radical who wants to govern according to her theology. When these wars began, I too sensed some divinity in the American soldier's actions. Any time you stand up to evil in defense of the good you are working for God whether you are a willing participant or not. Saying that life has a plan and everything that happens is a detail of this plan is just expressing your opinion according to your faith. Last, time I checked every one in America has the right to their opinion and their religion.
Futhermore, if the American liberal news wants to paint Mrs. Palin as a religious radical let them present the evidence. I challenge any one to present credible proof that Mrs. Palin has governed according to her theology. Now, I know people have accused Mr.s palin of a lot, but where is real proof, not inuendo and/or suposition.
I can very easily speparate the statements made to a congregation by one of its members as that person expressing her religious beliefs. After all she was at her church. She was not a political event, talking about politics.
The reality is tha people who have never had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ will never undersand people who have had this encounter. However, just because of a lot of knee- jerk- reactionaries cannot stand to hear the name of God does not mean that in America people do not have the right of free speech and religious expression. Furhtermore, a person of the Christain faith is not automatically a religious finatic.
God is a loving God who educated his people on how to be humble and serve with dignity and grace. Outsiders cannot take a person's religious speech and use it as a blanket generalization about a person's personality. Palin is a Christian. She is also a politician. Neither of these two facts interfer with the other. Only in the perverse minds of people who value nothing and believe in less does a person's religious speech equate for a person's complete value system. Again, I challenge any one to show real proof that Mrs. Palin has tried to legislate in a religiously intolerant manner.