It would be imposible to control every element of life. Of course why would you want to. It would have to be taxing to do so. Wouldn't it be better to concentrate on the time we know we have, like today?
Isn't today the day we know we can actually count on? We spen so much time trying to control tomorrow that we loose sight of today.
However, today we can live for a friends smile, our spouse embrace, a quiet and peaceul moment, the laughter of our children, or anything else that brings joy to our hearts.
Does it really have to be about stiking our head in the sand so our co-workers do not see our phobias? Well at work I guess we must do what ever we can to survive, after work pays the bills.
However, when we are home or away from the office why can't we feel good and enjoy ourselves?
I say we do just that. Everyday lets we should dedicate ourselves to something good. How hard can it be to stop and listen to a melody, interact with a friend, have a romantic night out, or special day for the family.
There is so much we could do to take away the ugliness of the world in our lives.
I believe most our activities should invovle human contact.
Those of us that are not married need to challenge ourselves to date and find a good mate.
Like anything it takes time. Therefore, we should take it one day at a time.
First,we need to know who we are attracted to.
Then there is eye contact.
After that is making contact.
Then there is the getting to know the person.
Then we start to analyze our feelings.
When we find ourselves having affection then the romance begins.
We should do specail things for one another.
Of course after affection comes love, then comes marriage.
Marriage is about sharring a good life and building a good home. This should involve kids.
And always have hope and keep the faith.