WalMart, Legos, Toys R Us,, Hotwire, Cheaptickets, Popcorn Factory, Dave's cookies, and more.
After a fair assessment, I have come to the conclusion that life for the most part is rather bleak. People are losing their jobs, investments, homes, and other commodities. Furthermore, modern man suffers from a sever angst due mostly from not being able to acquire a pleasant life.
Therefore, if you look at “modern man’s life” you may find a certain cynical and pessimistic attitude. This is what I call the “everything sucks, why should I bother” attitude. In addition, this attitudes breeds vulgar, abusive, and immature criticism of “modern man’s world”.
Okay, things look bad. The economy is falling apart. There is going to be a president who has made promises of raising taxes and building big social programs in the White House, which will grow national debt and weaken America economically. Leaders of companies keep making all the wrong moves and ruining their companies, which results in lost jobs and investments.
Furthermore, what person would dare to stand up and say “it will get better” to the masses. For what ever reason I have never being able to keep my public integrity. I blame God. However, my sense of people, life, and religion has always been intact to the standards of honesty and sincerity.
Therefore, on the question “will it get better” I have to refer to the Book of Revelations in the Bible. Yes, you do not want religion or God. Well I am not trying to sell you either. I know I have love in my heart and my desire to continue to be a decent person is driven by an internal force, which I call God.
This is how simple the issue of God is to me. For some reason no matter how angry I get about my circumstance this internal force keeps drving me back to the good and decent center. Then of course is the scientifically philosophical argument. We know the Universe exist. In this Universe there is order. Order does not happen by itself. Therefore, some one had to of put this order in to the Universe, i.e. God.
Now, you don’t have to believe in God. However, I ask again, “if your philosophy in life is so great, why isn’t your life great?” The majority right now is looking for peace. I believe this peace is unattainable because the majority is not aware of life in its truest form.
To have peace we must recognize the authority of God and be grateful for what we have, in my opinion. Modern man, however, believes in his idealized dreams and is heartbroken his dreams did not work out. Idealism is great. A romantic dream drives the hope that energizes the heart. God never intended for any one to be standing still lamenting their existence. His attitude is “look at how much you could accomplish if you just used your optimistic brain”.
Every single one has just been thrown of our horse and is lying in the mud holding our hurting knee. Okay, when you are not able to help your self you wait for help to arrive. The problem is that it has been a long time and help has not arrived. How long have you been in lonely in that marriage? Howe long have been going like a lifeless robot to work? How long have been numb to life because you are living a pleasure less life.
Look pornography is wrong because God has lifted everyone up on a pedestal. With this comes the prestige of value and specialness. That is right to God you are special and worth a lot. Yet we desire to defile our selves and walk away from our nobility. If all of us saw our selves as beautiful and valuable people, we would not be so quick to cast our crown aside and play in the mud.
Again, I state that life will be getting worse as far as systemic corruption is concerned. You the individual, however, has everything you need to continue living a good life. No matter how bad things get, we are required to keep maintaining life.
Everything we were suppose to do, we are still required to do in life. Modern dreams are dangerous. They are all about materialism and glutton indulgence. What has value is family, friends, marriage, parenthood, individual fulfillment and everything else that is good in life.
It is foolish for any person to think they singlehanded are going to solve all the problems of the world. We cannot. The task is to great. What we can do is solve most of the problems in our life. You matter and are worth all your dreams. Some one special should be there to hold you, caress you, and kiss you. Children give a lot of joy. When we recognize our fortune in life, we want to share it.
In my everyday life, I see a lot of ugliness and it breaks my heart. To know that people are working at destroying themselves, when they can build instead is hard to accept. God did put us on a pedestal. He allowed himself to be nailed to a cross to show how much we mean to Him.
What is wrong with us? Why don’t we recognize our potential is using “our optimistic brain”. Will we win the lottery? Probably not. Will we have our career of choice? Some will. However, not matter what modern commodity we do or do not acquire we can rest and find peace in the fact that money is not required to have the love of the special people in our lives, especially the love of God.
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