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I have been up to some reorganization. For some time I was convinced I was going to give up Blogging and all other efforts on the internet. I was doing to much, incapable of keeping track of everything, and big errors were being made by me.
However, I have realized that I have a voice and a responsibility to speak my mind. I and not being fictitious when I say mankind is under a serious lack of morality. It is not only unethical business people and/or corrupt politicians. All of us have sold our soul to the devil.
In this increasingly more complicate society, we need people who are mentally and spiritually healthy. Let me explain what I mean. Mr. Obama got elected saying Bush had taken the country in the wrong direction. I was a lie that Bush authorized torture, and surveillance of American citizens, wrecked the economy, and lied about the need to go to war with Iraq.
However, his rhetoric is important because it is evidence on how he plans to govern. Obama keeps making statements about the need to improve America’s image. The implication is that some thing is wrong with America. What Obama says is wrong with America is the invasion of Iraq, holding enemy combatants with out a trial, and supposed torture. However, we are learning that the closing of [Guitmo] is not set. The time for withdrawal of American troops from Iraq is also not set.
What changed from the end of the presidential campaign to now. Well in my opinion the person who would say anything to get elected is now saying anything to get reelected. America gets attacked again and Obama won’t be able to show his face anywhere. If a person cannot be trusted to keep his word, then what good is he?
A person who does not keep his word is in my opinion immoral. Lying is immoral, isn’t it?
Now, what kind of person is going to deal with America’s enemies? The person who says one thing and does another and who is seen by all as a person who cannot be trusted or a person of soft principles who thinks America need to apologize for defending her self.
We are in critical times. Iran will develop nuclear weapons. Russia is going to keep trying to flex its communist muscles in their region. Terrorist are just waiting for the opportunity to attack America again.
Leaders of Arab nations control terrorist. Everyone and their ugly dog has known if they attack America with Bush in the Whitehouse and they need to get ready to be invaded. I call this fear of Bush.
I do not have any confidence in Obama’s adequate use of the military to protect America. I do not believe he would use nuclear weapons in the defense of America. In fact, if an “event” was to occur while he is in charge I think he would become traumatized an incapable of acting.
The last thing America needs is the impression that her leadership is soft and weak. With his rhetoric of apologetics and appeasement, Mr Obama is giving the impression that he is a weak leader who will not retaliate against attackers of the US.
Of course the bigger picture is of prevention. When I was a security guard I knew I had to be visible and appear serious. Give the impression you are afraid and not confident and you will get attack. Obama with his rhetoric has already crossed this line.
Now, how are America’s enemies going to fear the US? All Mr. Obama seems to be able to do is blame the US. Why wouldn’t the enemies of the US not feel confident they can attack the US at will.
In addition, my comments may sounds like just comments of a sore looser. I have no ill feelings for Mr. Obama. I do see him as a two-bit lying politician, but he is not the first, nor the last.
My concern is the security of the nation. Several weeks ago I learned that a big terrorist fish was being held in facility near this stupid city I live in. I was going to BLOG about it to inform the public, but again I was doing to much. However, this person was detained at a port of entry trying to enter the US. As I was reading the news paper story I was noting all the big terrorist players this person had contact with in his life. I would say he is a very serious threat to this nation, just as serious as all those terrorist being held that Obama wants to release.
Therefore, I think it is imperative that Obama start shaping his rhetoric in order to deliver the message to America’s enemies “mess with us and we will end you and your ugly dog”. America has never walked around strutting like the big bad bully of the international block. Serious, confident, and strong posture may interpreted by some as arrogant and abusive. However, who cares how America looks if, she is safe and secure. Her people are not bad people. Self defense is not immoral.
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