Today is Sunday. The thought I want to share on this day is to enjoy your time off. There is so much you can do. There are restaurants you have not visited. When is the last time you have a meaningful conversation with your significant other?
I have heard the comedy about women only want to talk about the relationship. Apparently men are not suppose to talk about their feelings. I do not believe on overwhelmiing a person with our complex nature.
However, we can disclose little by little over a span of time.
It is very healthy to know how a person feels about you. Hearing words like " I love you" and " You are special to me" can lift a person's spirit and mke them feel good.
Not to mention that it is not healthy to hold in your emotions. In addition, talking about your feelings does not mean that you have to lay on a sob storry. It just means that you talk about what you feel.
My road to a healthy romance is to be real, take an interest, and dedicate yourself to the other person. In my opinion you shouldn't even sleep with a person until you have accomplished these steps.
I know it is to much to hope for. However, I think that is part of the problem. We get involved to quickly, with out knowing each other well. That may be why we find it hard to talk. We really are confused about why we are in the relationship and what we want.
However, there is a fix for everything. Today we can change and began to invest in a good friendship with our romance partner. I beieve finding the way to feel good in the relationship is a good start. This requirres being nice and doing things for the person who was crazy enough to get involved with us. Now your partner may not recognize the reason for your new behavior and take advantage of your kindness. The answer to this question is just tell him or her " You don't have to do what you are doing. I want us to work out and I am going to start bringing joy into out relstionship."
Now, if you do not have a significant other, then you have to start dating. Good luck.
Just remember regardless of whoever you are and whomever you are with it is in your hands to take the steps to be happy.
The last three days have been very great. I have not worried or felt sick. Today I raelized the value of peace and tranquility. People at work may want to be childish. The news may only have bad news.
However, I had a peaceful day by enjoying what I have and not complicatng my life with worries. I had a good meal. I enjoyed some movies. I even took a bike ride to the store.
On the other two days I visited with my mother and her husband. All in all they have been good days of rest and relaxation.