opinion pages and articles on the beauty of life: friendship, family, love, romance, marriage, parenting, etc...
Published on January 4, 2004 By jesseledesma In Personal Relationships
It is for everyone to define their on life. We have the option to see things as positive or negative. In addition we also have the option of pursuing what I call the modern superficial industrial life or a down to earth and basic life.

Several years a heard a news reporter coin a term to identify the condition of people surrounded by so much turmoil. This term is angst.

I , myself, had come to the conclusion that the modern life experience was making suffer from this condition.

Today, however, I know that we are the ones that choose to watch news and be focused on the tragedies in the world.

We are the ones that choose to be disatisfied with out work and personal lives. As a student of psychology I have learned that in order to fix the problem you must first identify the problem.

Therefore, if you are not happy then sit down with yourself and figure out what will make you happy.

If you begin with work and education, in my opinion, you are heading in the wrong direction.

In our desire to have an enriching and enjoyable life we should consider the people around us. It is amazing how many people that are married or living with someone spent their time fantazing about having a romantic life with someone else.

A spouse is a perfect opportunity to live out this romantic fantasy. If you are need of recreation, take your kids to the park.

If you have done it all then sit down, relax, and enjoy a good movie.

Either way recognize that what you consider to be an unenjoyable life is so because that is how you have painted it.

No one keeps you from making friends but your self. In addition, you decide to critcize, put down, and be crule to other people.

There are so many experiences from the dutiful worker to the ones that criticize hard workign people.

In all, we decide what we do and we also have to suffer the consequences of our behavior.

My hope here is not run anyones life. I just offer the information. You decide what you do with it.

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