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Thank You and Good Job
Published on January 13, 2004 By jesseledesma In Current Events
For a long time I have wanted to thank every soldier that has contributed to the secuirty of America.

Before the war in Iraq of 2003 I supported President Bush and was spending a lot of time on a military base here in El Paso, Texas.

Therefore, I was able to see the end result of supporting a goverment action. I talked to many of the young soldiers. A lot of them have never truely anticipated combat when they signed up.

However, when the time came they all went and fought for our security. Now, I know that many are still against Americas actions in Iraq.

For the me issue is very simple. It is not a good idea to allow any body to contiune to produce any kind of weapon when they have proven to have no regard for the international community.

I know for soldiers the issues are diverse. There is the reality of dying in combat, not to mention having their lives put on hold.

I will tell you that I have seen a lot in my 38 years and I do consider people like Sadam Huessien as a serious threat.

Everything that has happened since September 11, 2003 is a reminder to me that there are very evil people in the world who have decided to be an enemy of USA.

I wish it wan't so. However, I see many examples of this countries enemies everyday. That is why I am gratefull for every soldier who regardless of their personal sacrifice is fighting for the security of this country.

To me you are fighting to perserve life. Under no circumstances can we allow any group that would drastically change the quality of life to succeed.

I do not want to live under muslin rule our communist rule. My time to fight has past. However, a long time ago I identified the things that I would defend with my life. In fact,t I do not think you are a man until you know what you are willing to die for.

I am convinced that it is do or die time. In addition, I think we may see a day were all of us may be asked to fight to defend the USA.

Therefore, you soldiers are not alone and many respect and honor you.

I hope that you know that many treasure your sacrifice.

Thank You and Good Job.
on Jan 14, 2004
Our Army at War The

Year in

Photos 2003