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Thoughts about the next president of the USA
Published on January 20, 2004 By jesseledesma In Personal Relationships
Certain qualities should be common among people. An interest in each others welfare should be one of these qualities.

I am not saying that we have carry each others burdens, just that we should help each other out.

Life does have its quality. In order for us to live a peaceful life, we all have to willing not to cause each other trouble.

I believe this is a major problem in America. To many of us act like little spoiled brats. Sometimes this results in tragedy for many.

Unfortunately, it is a personal choice to grow up and be responsible. No one can force someone else to change.

I hope you keep this point in mind when you vote for a president in 2004. The powers of the president are very well defined.

He is not responsible for the personal morality of any one person. Issues like education, healthcare, jobs, crime, and immigration are issues we have to take a personal interest in.

The system is built to respond to input from American citizens. Until more people vote there really won’t be much change in the way of life in America.

Choosing a president I believe should be made on credentials not popularity. Voters should review the resumes of the candidates and make a choice based on a persons qualifications and view points.

I would like to see a presidential candidate tell the American public that much of what they ask for they have to do for themselves.

I believe Kennedy was the only president to of done this. “ Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country.”

The president’s office is a manager’s office. The president is paid to administer the laws of the country. Politics has made it something else.

Political wrangling gives the false impression that we are entitled to privileges and that presidents are the ones that can fulfill these privileges.

I believe we can only demand what we have earned.

Therefore, a president should be chosen for his credentials, his view of a forward direction, and his strength in diplomatic affairs.

Currently many believe that America is quick to use military solutions in foreign affairs.

This is what I recall happening in relation to America and militant muslins:

1. At the end of Carter’s presidency more than 50 Americans where taken hostage in Iran.
2. The marine barracks in Beirut where bombed.
3. The embassy in Africa was bombed.
4. Americans living quarters in Syria have been bombed.
5. 2 airplanes where taken and flown into the world trade center, 1 was flown into the pentagon, 1 crashed in Pennsylvania.

Therefore, I believe it was correct for President Bush to deal with the challenge of terrorism in a quick and direct manner.

The next president cannot put America back in weak position. The president’s actions, I believe, have resulted in Iran allowing their nuclear facilities to be examined, Saudi Arabia’s cooperation in the war against terrorism, the Palestinian people choosing a Prime minister, and a different attitude from a lot of middle eastern countries towards America.

In addition, in my opinion, so called allies showed their true colors during America’s conflict with Iraq. In my opinion, French leadership choose not to stand against a friend, Russia leadership didn’t want to loose the oil it was taking from the illegal Syrian pipeline, Mexican President may have been trying to wheal and deal with president Bush in order to look good to Mexican citizens, who knows how and why Canada makes their decisions, and the German leadership wanted to keep the anti-American stance that helped them get elected.

Saddam Hussein had received numerous UN sanctions. At the time president Bush decided to invade Iraq Hussein was in violation of many of these sanctions.

In my opinion, continual failure to act by any one was only going to give Hussein the opportunity to act in way he wanted to.

I make these points because even though Americans are in the relaxation phase of conflict the conflict is not over.

It would be great if all of us could wish this problem away. Closing our eyes and avoiding the problem is not going to make terrorist leave the USA alone.

The current president is right. There are evil people in this world. This is an unfortunate reality, but a reality nonetheless.

For one reason or the other, the USA has found herself in a prominent and privileged position in the international society.

In this country, the majority strives for good and dislikes injustice. Economic stasis allows the USA to influence the international community with diplomacy as well as military power.

Even though there is greed and lust for power in the USA, interests vying for this power cancel themselves out most of the time.

For me the issues facing America are as follows:
1 Americans need to realize that there is a true cost to freedom.
2 Americans need to recapture the work ethic.
3 Americans need to be realistic about what they can truly demand from government.
4 Americans need to start raising their children with love and respect.
5 Americans need to stop waiting for the public education system to become responsible and provide quality
6 Americans need to grow up and mature.
7 Americans need to realize healthcare is a reality and work to pay for their own healthcare.
8 Americans need to vote.
9 Americans need to be socially responsible by finding out which companies pollute and not purchasing these
company's products.
10 Americans need to stop running social experiments on their children.
11 Americans need to save more and spend less.
12 Americans need to be less emotional and more cerebral about their politics.

The next American president needs to keep America strong at home and in the international community while respecting, the citizens right to build with their dreams and not shackling them with false expectations.

God tells us in the King James Bible “ Let He who wants to eat work.”

Therefore, lets get to work as we do for ourselves and as we respect each other.

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