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Meditations on voting in America
Published on February 4, 2004 By jesseledesma In Personal Relationships
Today I was listening to NPR in the morning. It was all about the democrats. To this I say that I do not see any constructive evidence that states what specific issues these democratic canidates for the 2004 presidential race support and which ones they are not in favor of.

Not only that. No one person is going to make great change. If a democrat is elected, he will face a republican congress.

Moreover, I do not think that a perosn should get elected just because he can bash the current president.

To me :

Responsibility and maturity is necessary for a real increase in the standard of living in America to occurr.

The actvities of business people with capital to invest contribute to good or bad economies, not politicians.

Public school educators and administrators need to stop pan handling to the squeaky wheel of complaincency ( gripes of parents whose children cause trouble) and start managing discipline in their schools.

People who do not agree with the changes in social morality need to get involved in the process and excercise their voice by voting and being involved.

Everybody should mind their own business.

Parents who want good children should get to the business of raising good children with love, understanding, support, guidance, patience, respect, kindness, and interest.

Until crime really goes down there should not be anyomore probation or parole.

Every criminal should have to participate in mental health therapy for two years.

In addition, criminals should be charged a 1% federal tax on top of their regular taxes to pay for the cost to society of dealing with their criminal behavior.

Playing with someone's emotions should be a crime.

Peple who live in a state that legally supports same gender marriages and disagree with this govermental support should opt not to have their marriages registered in that state. After all the money one pays to marriage licenses and justices of the peace goes to support the govermental body that represents these states.

Christians should stop preaching the gospel of gloom and doom and remember that we serve a God that is more powerful than same gender marriages and/or lude and vulgar behavior in the Super Bowl Half Time show.

If publc schools do not want God, then Christians should not want public schools and opt for private schools or home schooling.

Televeision has become a 5th dimensional Sodom and Ganora. Why watch it?

Everybody should work.

Immigration should be decreased by 75%.

America needs to function from a position of quiet strength in foreing diplomacy. Everybody should know the price of attacking America and her citizens with out threats.

I personally support President's Bush direct and strong posture. For to long I have watched the ineffectveness of watered down policies that come from political posturing between the democrats and the republicans. Sometimes elected officals do nothing more than tow the party line.

Moreover, in closing I say those that are not willing to protect what they have are destined to loose it.

America is a special country and does have a promiment position in the international society. These conditions can only continue to exist if the people in America help America succeed and promote American values.
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