This article is on getting beyond the hurt from having someone play with your emotions. All of us at one time or another invest in someone that is not capable of returning our sentiment.
This hurts when it ends. At times, being in the relationship is abusive itself. The results can range from anger to major depression. These feelings are normal.
The secret is to realize one very important fact. Their inability to love us does not mean that we are not loveable. All it means is that they are not capable of loving us the way we need to be loved.
See the pain comes because we interpret their rejection as a personal injury. We convince ourself that we are not worthy of being loved.
Therefore, we have to stop telling ourselves that it was our fault. It was not our fault. There are many diferent types of people in this world.
Some know how to love the right way. Others do not.
Either way their short comings should not speak for our value. We know who we are and what we are worth. Before we encountered these hurtful people we wanted what was good in life.
Why should we allow anyone to take that away? In life we will surpass our challenges by being our own pep squad.
We have to be the ones set our worth and keep our spirits up. Sometimes these requirres being real about our true emotions. Nothing is wrong with feeling sad or hurt.
Indulging in these feelings is wrong. It is better to recognize the depresssion and be real about the time it will take to heal. In addition, we are going to have to start giving ourselves positive and reassuring words.
Again, all you did was try to love someone that does not know how to love. That is their problem. Talking your self down and belittling your self worth is not healthy.
You are a good person and worthy of many blessings. Therefore, love your self and start taking care of yourself. Moreover, be real and do not try to repress your feelings.
It is better to cry, forgive, and start taking care of your self again. Try it. Tell yourself I am a good person. I did not do anything wrong. The person who dissapointed me is the one with the problem.
I am still a good person with a good life ahead of me. Anytime that I want to let God back in my life I just have to smile and enjoy His love.
Then take a spiritual step one day at a time.
I now you may not be comfortable with God or Christianity. However, how comfortable are you with the pain and suffering you are feeling.
Emotions are tied to our thoughts. In intimate relationships one of our fears is the fear of not being loved. This fear is tied to our need for protection and security.
When a relationship ends we feel scared because we think that we are vulnerable to attacks. Their is also the sense of loss that is tied into the fear of loosing someone we believe we need and cannot live without.
All these emotions are valid. However, let us be real about how much control we really have. We can control how we treat ourselves and how we treat other people. We cannot control other people's behavior.
You want to feel free of pain and start to laugh and feel good again. Be your best friend. Keep good thoughts. Take real steps towards having some one in your life.
Invest in getting to know the person well. Do not blame your self for their problems. Keep a postive, healthy, and realistic perspective about the relationship working out.
Set your standards and put your foot down on the serious issues.
Always value yourself.