opinion pages and articles on the beauty of life: friendship, family, love, romance, marriage, parenting, etc...
Introduction to the future organization of My BLOG articles
Published on February 9, 2004 By jesseledesma In Personal Relationships
Personal health begins with spirituality. I define spirituality as the positive human energy that comes from a healthy relationship with God. I identify God as the creator of everything who has revealed himself to us through His word which is documented in the original King James Bible.

I highly encourage everyone to assess their spiritual direction and come to terms about serving Him or not.

The next issue in perosnal health is diet. We have to eat the right things in order for our bodies to function correctly.

Then there is excercise. In order to maintain a strong body we have to use our muscles. I have always said that the strongest muscle in my body is my brain.

From excercise there is lifestyle. Here I am talking about sleep patterns, work schedules, and stress levels. Certain people ove to be stressed. This is not healthy. It also is not healthy to not let our bodies recharge. There are limitations to how much we can really do.

Then ,after, taking care of our body and spirit we can focus on our minds. Positive, nurturing, enjoyable, and pleasing relationships are essential for good mental health.

Attitude also effects our mental health. In addition, repressed emotions contribute to how much we enjoy life.

From now on I plan to deal with these health issues in an informative, constructive, and positive manner. I do not like to see a title on a web site home page on an issue of health that leads to an empty article with very little useful informaiton. My intent will be to provide substantial and useful information on personal health with links to articles I approve of as good health information sources.

I think it is great to have discorse. However, if we are not taking care of our selves in the process, what are we really gaining?

I hope that your life is important enough to you to invest the time to restructure the manner in which you handle the challenges and demands of life.

It is also my earnest hope that you give God and honest try at showing you His love.

I believe that we have walked so far away from God that this world is now over run by evil. I make this point because I see many people pursuing a good life through many wordly means and not finding through satisfaction.

I know from personal experience that true happiness comes from a meaningful relationship with God.

I hope to help people evaluate how they are living and have the resources they need to make the necessary changes.

I cannot tell you how to live. I can only offer information I believe will assit the reader in living a healthy and enjoyable life experience.
on Feb 09, 2004
sorry you lost my attention in the first line.

The King James bible is a highly....interpolated translation of old texts. In fact anything you see in italics in that bible, is so. That versions of the bible is much more of a political tool than a spiritual guide. Check your history.
on Feb 14, 2004
The good that God puts in a persons heart from reading the KIng James Bible in my opinion is better than all the angst negative critiques bestow on the world.

Every day I hear the planetary debate on religion. For the most part the debaters appear to just want to tear down anything of value.

I choose to build.