Human nature developes through interaction with our environment.
With this article, I can deal with two issues. The first thing on my mind is to continue in my effort to speak on issues of health.
Therefore, I will give my quick course on how our human nature is created.
I am not a person who discounts God’s hand in our creation. I know He made us with the necessary ability to understand and learn.
Through an interaction with elements of our environment, we develop our attitudes, perceptions, ideas, and suppositions.
As we receive information, we code it with our emotional and sensory experience. Information that gives pleasure constructs our good nature. Information that gives pain constructs our evil nature.
We as individuals are made in the image of God. To me this means that we have His sense of goodness in us. In my opinion, the battle in life is to build this sense as we confront bad influences.
Hence, our nature is the result of how we code environmental information. Everything from our likes and dislikes to our political observations are the result of this coding.
Therefore, what we have known to give us pleasure we pursue. Most people avoid environmental elements that give them pain.
People who are suffering from loneliness or dissatisfaction with life may be going through their experiences because they are not living a life that is focused on the goodness that God put in us when He made us.
The possibility that they have acquired mental illness also exists.
I believe we are made for a purpose. This purpose is to live a life according to the will of God.
In my opinion, it is God’s will that all people live peaceful and comfortable lives by being free of angst and enjoying the true beauty of life.
Our modern world is focused on making people into industrial machines. Public educations, universities, and the media all serve this purpose with their programs.
That is why people are not deriving pleasure from life. In addition, the lack of a pleasurable life makes people feel pain.
I think that it is a tragedy that even though we have all the necessary resources to live healthy and happy lives we choose to suffer.
Knowing how your interaction with environmental information created your personal nature is not going to help you live a better life.
I believe that we need to start valuing our lives. We really have to sit down one day and decide how important it is for us to be fulfilled and satisfied.
In addition, I will say it again, only you know how you feel when you wake up in the morning and as you go through your day.
If you feel great, then the articles I write have no value to you. However, if you find yourself living a life that brings you more grief than cheer then you might want to consider making some changes in your life.
Remember that most people are living the modern world experience of gluttony and indulgence.
Seeking advice from anyone living this experience is only going to send you down the wrong road.
Many praise the life of indulgence and gluttony. However, find them when they are completely alone and you will see their pain and hear their torment.
No one has to live this way. Just as we acquired a bad nature from interacting with an industrial society that only needs us to function in a job, we can acquire a nature that will support our desire for a pleasant life.
Therefore, have contact with positive people sharing a healthy message.
Whether you accept God or not you can still have a simple and pleasant life.
God is not in Heaven sending thunderbolts down on people who reject Him.
There will come a time of atonement where all of us will be judged according to out deeds.
Your spiritual decisions are you decisions. I respect that. I would hope that people would respect the decision I have made to serve Jesus Christ.
Okay, then, what is known as human psychology is the result of our emotional, sensory, and intellectual capacity interacting with environmental information. Our nature is formed as we code information as pleasurable and/or painful.
Duress comes from acquiring a nature that is not consistent with being in touch with the goodness God has put in us.
My final point is that just because we do not believe in God does not mean that He does not exist.