Different levels of human activity contribute to the peace and tranquility we all enjoy.
Crazy driving behavior, sour looks on customer service people, irrational debates about politics with co-workers, and overall international human condition can drain our energy or inspire us.
The previous conditions are the reason we all need to grow up and become better neighbors to one another.
The way the world is going presently I think the greates threat to humanity is the amount of animosity that exist among people.
People who do not even know each other hate one another.
This cannot be healthy. It also is not contributing to stability.
Every day people let their eviel nature get the better of them and loose their jobs or start an emotional war with a friend or love one.
Just how much cruelty do we want to be a part of?
I used to consider 17% of the America as responisble for crime, problems in education, drug/alcohol abuse, low voter turnout, and other social issues.
Right now, I am concerned that if people keep giving in to their worse nature this percentage might get bigger.
There can be no soical tranquility if people cannot be at peace with one another.
Peace should lead to people talking to each other and the social benefits from people working, paying taxes, and not being a social burden.
Now, I now that many will not change. However, I am not convinced that all people who are being irresponsible and immature want to be this way.
If you cannot change your neighbor, well at least change your self.
"My nieghbor does it why can't I" is not a good reason to behave the way people are behaving.
I perosnally think a good portion of people in America are behaving like undisciplined and spolied brats.
I have coined a phrase in my studies of human psychology. This term is Industriliazed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
To me this is a result of prolong exposure to stress from not having you psychological needs met because of how corporations interfere in the human experience.
Coporations keep mom and dad away from the home. This has resulted in generations that have grown up with parents who do not know how to parent because their parents where not around to teach them-through example-how to be a good parent.
Media products condition a false reality in people. Most media promote images of beautiful people living lives without consequences.
I have noticed a trend in the news to spice up the news story with charm, charisma, and personality.
In addition, I hear more supposition and opinion then real facts in the news.
I stopped watching 60 minutes after one of their programs had all thier stories on what could happen in Iraq. Most of their assumptions were on negative possibilities.
To me it was as if the Democratic party called this news program and asked them to make President Bush look bad.
I believe that for the most part the majority of people do not question the news media.
In turn, I believe being exposed to imcomplete news stories that are full of assumptions and anchor charm and that are filled with negative messages result in people not having a real perspective on life.
I do not believe that George W. Bush took America in to war.
Politiicans trying to help Coporate America dominate regions economies and Foreign business people manipulating under privilages people in to using violence in order to demonize America so they will not loose their niche in their particualr economy are responsible for the struggle with terrorism America is facing today, in my opinion.
The rest us are left with the sense of insecurity and grave concern for the people who are suffering at hands of violent and agressive people.
However, how many stories have you read, seen, or hear that deal with results American economic emperialism.
I do believe that the best should excell. I am not against competition, as long it is fair competition.
In my opinion, using the miltary of America to open markets for Corporate America is not fair competition.
In addition, it is not surprising that America is under attack. Greedy people with a lust for power will do anything to get more power and keep the power they think they have.
We, if we hope to contribute to good human relations, should be aware of the true roots of struggles among people and not be so easily lead by our emotions.
There are serious realities in life. Even if we wipe out miliatry conflict, we are not going to be able to stop volcanoes from exploding, tornados, earthquakes, or any other catastrophic natural event.
I believe it is healthy to keep an informed and positve perspective and instead to venting your frustrations on your neighbor, finding healthy ways to get involved-like registerng to vote and voting.
I admire Mr. Bush's actions. America is finally dealing with her challenges with a serious and disciplined attitude.
Chrisian Spiritual Health 2