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Roe V. Wade should be overturned.
Published on July 27, 2005 By jesseledesma In Current Events
Roe V Wade shuold be overturned.

In our present day society we have a lot of inofrmation and resource to reduce the risk of pregnancy. We have also seen how a liberal sex life has its consequences.

Back in the mid 1980's we started hearing about a disease that attacked a person's immune system.

This attack led to a person being susceptible to all types of illness that could take his or her life.

Through out this twenty-year debate people have become aware of the need for safe sex.

In addition, we recognize that every day younger and younger individuals are becoming sexually active.

This concerns many because they see adolescent premarital sex as a danger to a person’s future.

I would say that pregnancy and sexual transmitted diseases are a danger to a person’s future.

Though I do not want to offend a person’s religion, I do know that condoms and medicines can prevent pregnancy and infection to sexual transmitted diseases.

Abortion rights, which I see as the right to kill, in my opinion became law in a time when women were finding their freedom being a housewife.

This led to a sexual investigation. Eventually it led to women getting pregnant when they did not want to be mothers.

One of the saddest statements I witnessed was a women state, “ I have to much, and I have my career to be worried about having a baby.”

This appeared callous to me. A baby is more than a career or a job. In addition, I am not saying that all decisions to have an abortion have been this superficial.

However, when we know about contraception why are still struggling with the abortion question.

To me the greater question is why when we have seen that sexual liberalism actually causes more problems than abortion can solve why are we still holding our tongue on the dangers of promiscuity.

I have the seen politics and understand the players and their philosophies.

I also see the victims. A small percentage of the American population has wanted to build a society where they can do anything and not have to suffer the consequences.

In this effort, they have convinced people that it is possible to do anything and not face any consequences.

However, we have seen the other side of the coin. The biggest population of new AIDS cases is no young people.

Many young females already have two kids by the time they are sixteen.

In addition, many women have reported that they entered into a serious depression after they aborted their babies.

We have the technology to prevent STD’s and pregnancy. In addition, we have the evidence that sexual liberalism cause more problems than it solves. Moreover, we have medicine to prevent pregnancy.

Therefore, why do we need abortion rights legislation?

on Jul 27, 2005
Because of the touchy nature of this subject, I want to make a quick disclaimer. In general, I disapprove of abortion. I have never had one (actually never been pregnant) but have had very close family members who have made that difficult decision. I am voicing an opinion and I'd appreciate it if all criticisms were directed at my comments and not me as a person!

That being said, your argument is a very muddled one. Here is what I got out of it. Abortion is bad. Roe v. Wade paved the way for more liberal sexual behavior. This led to more STD's and unplanned pregnancies. But you also state that many kids are having kids by the time they are 16. Obviously they are not having abortions. I think that there are a small number of women out there that use abortion as a form of birth control, but most women get abortions because they are not in a position to care for a child or they are plain out terrified.

I think the problem lies not with abortion being legal (women were doing it in back alleys and w/ coat hangers long before Roe v. Wade), but rather with not teaching kids the consequences of sexual activity. So many schoools teach abstinence rather than safe sex, and many parents don't talk about it at all. Kids see sex, sex, sex all over the place, but no one is there saying "this is not acceptable behavior and bad things can happen." Instead they are being raised by Desperate Housewives, The Real World, and all these other shows that romanticize sex beyond the realm of reality. If kids knew about birth control, how to use it and how to get it, perhaps they wouldn't be having babies at 15. People are afraid that this is going to breed the mentality of "now I know how to be safe, so lets screw." But it won't. I grew up knowing about the consequences of sex and how to be safe. I didn't sleep around in high school or college just because I knew how to protect myself, and I think a lot of women are that way. Knowledge is power, not a license to do whatever you want.

Personally, I think abortion as a form of birth control is wrong. But a 13 year old rape victim shouldn't be forced to go to a back alley doctor to have an abortion. A 30 year old mother of 4 shouldn't put her life at risk if having the 5th child would kill her. Abortion legislation was ment to protect these women, not the ones that spread their legs at anything resembling a man and just abort the consequences later. And for that reason I believe this country will never overturn Roe v. Wade. Restrictions may be put on it, but abortion will always remain legal.

on Jul 27, 2005
I don't know how to react to this thread. The hostility that I experienced when I stood up for the right of the little one's who are aborted was almost demonic. However, you seemed to have made your thoughts so clear, I can only applaude your mind. It is a good mind and one that reveals a welcome depth of perception in the shallow world of quick kill thinking. I shall keep an eye on this thread. For those who are considering experiencing a revolution in their lives, this link is for you. 2ndGlance
on Jul 27, 2005
Abortion isn't a "right", any more than drug use is a right. Roe v. Wade simply imposed laws that should have been decided at the state and local level on all of us.

You don't have to oppose abortion to hate Roe v. Wade. I didn't vote for Ted Kennedy, and yet when the courts are used this way opinions of such people are imposed on those who have the right to choose for themselves.
on Jul 27, 2005
Great article Jesseledesma!!!

The answer to your question is, "Comfort, Convenience & Sex".

These being the Holy Trinity of our society, you can threaten most people with anything you want, but threaten any member of that Trinity and you have a fight on your hands.
on Jul 28, 2005
"Abortion rights" is an oxymoron.
on Jul 28, 2005
I think psyche is dead-on here. We're arguing over symptom of a larger problem that we don't want to deal with.

Sex is everywhere in society today. You can't go 30min without encountering something related to (or heavily suggestive of) sex. Channel surf at any hour of the day, even Saturday mornings and I bet you'll come across something like that Herbal Essence "Organic Experience" shampoo with the groaning writhing ladies in the shower. It's all over the movies and it's expanding into teen television. Magazines push it, billboards, newspaper advertisements etc...

It's impossible to tune it out, impossible to shield kids from it anymore. We've reached a point of no return when it comes to this casual attitude towards sex. I don't think it's possible to remove it from the media like we have it now. Maybe we can start to limit it on broadcast channels, but I doubt it.

So that leaves us with teenagers who are sex-crazed and lack mental maturity and judgement skills. What we have to do now is make sure they are armed with as much information as possible. Birth control, abstinence, dangers of STDs etc. all have to be taught. Abstinence-only education is, in my opinion, a waste of time because it follows the attitude of "If we don't talk about it, it won't happen"... but just because YOU don't talk about it, doesn't mean it isn't talked about. Abstinence is a foundational piece to sex education, it's where it should all start, but kids need to be armed with the proper information anyway. Kids make dumb decisions, and I'd rather them make slightly less dumb decisions.

This is a tough issue because if the issue swings in either direction, it's one group imposing its morality on the other. If we overturn R v W, it's those who oppose abortion that are imposing their views on those who support its availability. If we leave it stand, it's those who oppose it who are being quashed

My personal views are that it should be a controlled process, with rules on when it is and is not an option. But that position pisses off the ultra-left because it gets rid of the free-for-all, and it pisses off the right who just oppose abortion out-right in any form for any reason whatsoever.
on Aug 14, 2005

Jesseledesma: "I would say that pregnancy and sexual transmitted diseases are a danger to a person’s future.
Though I do not want to offend a person’s religion, I do know that condoms and medicines can prevent pregnancy and infection to sexual transmitted diseases."

I just wanted to touch on why we should have the abortion rights. Especially with you declaring Pregnancy and sexually transmitted a danger to a persons future... Why would you get rid of abortion when the facts simply are this.

Nothing is ever perfectly 100% Some general facts about typical birth control the good ol’ condom... typical use is only up to 85% effective while perfect use is only 98% effective... Now I'm willing to say that 98% effectiveness is pretty good... but I'm also saying that it's not a 100% And as long as nothing is a 100% effective why not have abortion? Here is more facts about birth control effectiveness from Planned Parent Hood. Link

So if they are practicing birth control and they do end up getting pregnant anyway because fact is it's not perfect... They shouldn't have an option to abort? Do we really want children being born into families that don't want them to begin with? Just because they should face the consequences of having sex in the first place?

jesseledesma: "One of the saddest statements I witnessed was a women state, “ I have to much, and I have my career to be worried about having a baby.”
This appeared callous to me. A baby is more than a career or a job. In addition, I am not saying that all decisions to have an abortion have been this superficial."

Would you want the above woman you mentioned having a baby and being a mother? She doesn't sound like someone that would be able to take the time to be a devoted mother... so thankfully if she does get pregnant she can abort so we don't have yet another unwanted child. Which really in a worst case scenario could end up being another 'Mother leaves baby in dumpster to die' headline, or 'Mother drowns infant baby because it wont stop crying'. It's these kind of people that by all means should of gotten an abortion in the first place.

psyche5297 stated: "Abortion legislation was meant to protect these women, not the ones that spread their legs at anything resembling a man and just abort the consequences later."

While yes, "Horizontally Social women" will abuse it, and use it dozens of times, just because they are flat out careless.. is definitely wrong. But again.. if they are so irresponsible to prevent getting pregnant in the first place are they going to be responsible mothers? No! So for that fact I'm glad that they do have abortions, but am sickened by their endless irresponsibleness. My personal opinion after so many abortions doctors should step in and fix them so they can’t have babies.

I really do admire your thread because you do also point to the problems of this day and age the pressures of society... sex sex sex... it's every where it's the #1 seller on anything... put a risqué picture on it and people will buy it. That definitely is a problem in today’s world. This needs to addressed as well. And I applaud you for bringing that up with your abortion blog.

And really when it comes down to it, it depends on the parents being responsible parents. That can teach their kids good wholesome values and morals to live by. And how is anyone going to be a good parent if they really didn't want to have the kid in the first place?