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Nationality is not an illness that incapacitates
Published on August 6, 2005 By jesseledesma In Current Events
Nationality is not an illness that incapacitates.

I am writing this article to respond to news report that the National Democratic Party Chairman is accusing the republicans of preparing to make immigration an escape goat in the next presidential elections.

Let me first state my background. I was born in the city of Juarez, which is in the state of Chihuahua, in the country of Mexico.

Since I was four years old, I have lived the majority of my life in El Paso, Texas, USA.

Furthermore, news people always go to Miami or Los Angeles when they want to shine the light on Hispanic issues.

I do not believe that you will find a city that has more Hispanics in it than El Paso, Texas.

However, that is not my focus here today.

I am appalled at the cheap shot by Mr. Howard Dean. I would say that Mr. Dean does not know immigration from Mexico into the United States of America.

Since I was young-around 10- I started paying attention to the world around me. I would say that I got more from PBS documentaries, Peter Jennings, and my university studies than from my parents.

I am not knocking my mom. She worked hard to give us what she could.

My first point will about hard work. When I was a security guard at a for profit hospital, I met many doctors that started their lives and studies in Mexico then came to America.

Every single one of these doctors told me that they studied while they were working to support their families. I was very impressed by people who were able to become doctors while they were fathers, husbands and wives, and workers.

I have yet to see a democratic comment on the successes of immigrants through their personal effort.

In my opinion, democrats give the impression that all immigrants are poor in money, spirit, and personal conviction.

Democrats also give the impression that immigrants from Mexico cannot accomplish anything if they do not get help from the Democratic Party.

Let me say that as a person from Mexico, who was raised in a Hispanic city, and has heard the democratic rhetoric of Mexican immigration, the Democratic Party does nothing for Mexican immigrants.

The first thing that will upset me is a person crying about what government has to do for them.

The only thing I need from any form of government is for it to get out of my way.

I will find my own success. I may have to work 20 hours a day, but I am not weak and incapable.

Being Mexican and born to a family with little economic resources is not an illness that makes a person incapable of earning a living or pursuing a life.

I am saddened by the number of people at home waiting for those democratic promises to come in so they will finally have something.

I wonder where they would be if believed enough in themselves in order to go out and build their own fortune.

Mr. Dean in my opinion your empty promises only make people weak by becoming dependent on government.

In my life, I have managed to earn two college degrees. It was tough. I lost a lot of sleep and much more life.

In the end no one has giving me an opportunity to work in the field I studied, psychology.

If I was weak, incapable, or anything else the democratic party presumes I should be because my mother gave birth to me in Mexico, I should be bitter, complacent, and doing nothing more than sulking.

Do not worry I have expressed some choice words for all those human resources managers that chose to hire some one else.

However, what I have not done is sit in my spilt milk to cry.

I recognize my responsibilities and go out every day to earn my way in life.

I do not believe nationality gives anyone an excuse from using his or her own talents to succeed.

In addition, I am seriously upset with Mr. Dean’s suggestion that republicans view Mexicans with contempt.

I was born in Mexico and my personal beliefs of person success through personal sacrifice have more in common with the Republican Party than the Democratic Party.

Moreover, I know that there are many in the Hispanic community that supports the Democratic Party.

I offer no reason, explanation, or apology for the acts of anyone else.

I can wonder if all the promises they are offered might have something to do with this support.


on Aug 06, 2005


I am not hispanic (my wife is), but I came from the same family as you, just a little farther north.  Yes, I worked full time while attending college as there was no money from my family (7 of us).  I made it on my own, and with no thanks to the government!

Isn't it sweeter when you do it yourself?  My cousin, whose parents are well to do (not wealthy, just well off) had to pay his way.  His only concession from his parents was he could borrow the money from them.  He has paid it back.

Thank you for a very inspirational article!

on Aug 06, 2005
"Democrats also give the impression that immigrants from Mexico cannot accomplish anything if they do not get help from the Democratic Party."

My impression is that this is their opinion of everbody, not just immigrants. They seem to feel that the government's role is to run everyone's life because we are too stupid/lazy/ignorant to do it ourselves.
on Aug 06, 2005
"My impression is that this is their opinion of everbody, not just immigrants. They seem to feel that the government's role is to run everyone's life because we are too stupid/lazy/ignorant to do it ourselves."

Very true. They don't want ANYONE to escape the ghettos, they just want us all there. It keeps a nice little voting pool of serfs that rely on their power.
on Aug 07, 2005
JU doesn't have a rating higher than "Insightful" but if it did I would have applied it to this article.
on Aug 07, 2005
Very well said. We need more viewpoints like yours spoken publicly.
on Aug 07, 2005
Excellent article. I second all of the above comments.
on Aug 08, 2005

(Prepares to insert comment from democrats supporting Immigrants being able to become successful on their own)


My Grandfather jumped ship in the United States.  I am, therefore, descended from illegal immigrants.  My father missed being born in a foreign country by two years, and most of his siblings were not born into American citizenship.  My grandfather worked very hard at a variety of things (Mostly construction work in Utah) until the day he died.  He was a crochety, catankerous old SOB, but he literally worked his way up from nothing.  My father, and most of my uncles only got to go to college because of the GI bill, because even though my Grandfather worked very hard, college was not something people had to do when my grandfather was young, and since my grandfather and my father lived through the great depression, they both understood the value of saving money.

When my Dad retired he was the Director of the San Francisco city Parks department.  He worked very hard to help me pay for college, and at one point I worked for a very large law firm and made a great deal of money.

My Family isn't hispanic, it's Finn.  Mr. Dean's comments quite often offend me, but just as I realize that some of the most obnoxious mouthpieces of the Republican party do not represent the vast majority of the Republican population, I hope many of the democrat bashers on this forum recognize that Mr. Dean does not represent the vasst majority of the Democratic population.

I personally believe that those who are closer to their immigrant roots work harder to make their life better than many whose family has lived in this country since before the founding.  We may start out poor, but we know and feel the dream of America more clearly since it was often denied to us.  Do I agree with the democrats that we should give welfare to those new immigrants?  Yes.  Do I think that the new immigrants can't survive without it?  No, but you don't have to help people only because they won't survive without your help.

So, a democratic comment about how immigrants are quite capable of helping themselves.

on Aug 08, 2005

My Family isn't hispanic, it's Finn. Mr. Dean's comments quite often offend me, but just as I realize that some of the most obnoxious mouthpieces of the Republican party do not represent the vast majority of the Republican population, I hope many of the democrat bashers on this forum recognize that Mr. Dean does not represent the vasst majority of the Democratic population.

Jeblackstar, many thanks.  However, while I agree with you about the republicans, what are we supposed to guess about the democrats when their leader spouts such trash?

In a way, I would hope that you are right.  But I would ask you to listen to the denials coming from the left about what Dean said.

Dont let the silence deafen you.

on Aug 08, 2005
Reply By: jeblackstarPosted: Monday, August 08, 2005

Mr. Dean's comments quite often offend me, but just as I realize that some of the most obnoxious mouthpieces of the Republican party do not represent the vast majority of the Republican population, I hope many of the democrat bashers on this forum recognize that Mr. Dean does not represent the vasst majority of the Democratic population.

agreed, it's just that howard the coward and the real far far left kooks get the most press.

Not all democrats are demons, just the far far left liberal naysaysers.
on Aug 08, 2005
i'm not sure what this is all about.

dean said republicans plan to make immigrants a 'scapegoat' in the upcoming elections in response to the colorado republican chairman endorsing a guy who wants to tax money immigrants send to their families in mexico and
schwartzenegger inviting the minutemen to california.

how does that diminish or demean immigrants in any way shape or form?

for that matter, how does proposing taxing the money immigrants send to their relatives do anything positive for anyone? if he was able to get a law like that passed, it would be struck down. it's just so much stupid rabble rousing.

same with ahnald and the minutemen. california has enuff problems without encouraging a buncha grumpy old men to put themselves and anyone within bifocal range in harm's way.

sounds to me like dean isn't really that far off this time.