I am not hispanic (my wife is), but I came from the same family as you, just a little farther north. Yes, I worked full time while attending college as there was no money from my family (7 of us). I made it on my own, and with no thanks to the government!
Isn't it sweeter when you do it yourself? My cousin, whose parents are well to do (not wealthy, just well off) had to pay his way. His only concession from his parents was he could borrow the money from them. He has paid it back.
Thank you for a very inspirational article!
(Prepares to insert comment from democrats supporting Immigrants being able to become successful on their own)
My Grandfather jumped ship in the United States. I am, therefore, descended from illegal immigrants. My father missed being born in a foreign country by two years, and most of his siblings were not born into American citizenship. My grandfather worked very hard at a variety of things (Mostly construction work in Utah) until the day he died. He was a crochety, catankerous old SOB, but he literally worked his way up from nothing. My father, and most of my uncles only got to go to college because of the GI bill, because even though my Grandfather worked very hard, college was not something people had to do when my grandfather was young, and since my grandfather and my father lived through the great depression, they both understood the value of saving money.
When my Dad retired he was the Director of the San Francisco city Parks department. He worked very hard to help me pay for college, and at one point I worked for a very large law firm and made a great deal of money.
My Family isn't hispanic, it's Finn. Mr. Dean's comments quite often offend me, but just as I realize that some of the most obnoxious mouthpieces of the Republican party do not represent the vast majority of the Republican population, I hope many of the democrat bashers on this forum recognize that Mr. Dean does not represent the vasst majority of the Democratic population.
I personally believe that those who are closer to their immigrant roots work harder to make their life better than many whose family has lived in this country since before the founding. We may start out poor, but we know and feel the dream of America more clearly since it was often denied to us. Do I agree with the democrats that we should give welfare to those new immigrants? Yes. Do I think that the new immigrants can't survive without it? No, but you don't have to help people only because they won't survive without your help.
So, a democratic comment about how immigrants are quite capable of helping themselves.
Jeblackstar, many thanks. However, while I agree with you about the republicans, what are we supposed to guess about the democrats when their leader spouts such trash?
In a way, I would hope that you are right. But I would ask you to listen to the denials coming from the left about what Dean said.
Dont let the silence deafen you.