opinion pages and articles on the beauty of life: friendship, family, love, romance, marriage, parenting, etc...
why it is important to have a healthy attitude about our fellow members of society.
Published on February 24, 2004 By jesseledesma In Personal Relationships
Today I plan to answer some citcisms I have of myself. My first concern is why I make political commentary when I say my blog is on perserving life and human dymanics.

Well, I believe that before we can change the world, we have to change ourselves. All my articles are written with the intent on educaing the reader on how to live a complete life experience.

We may not want to accept it, but we are all tied to one another. Our actions make contributions in the lives of others.

In addition, I see a rather tense and unhealthy community. In the past I have said that the individual has to decide for himself or herself if he or she needs to make changes.

This past statement is true. However, just because we decide to live healthier lives does not mean that other people will make the same choices.

Therefore, how do we deal with does that do not change their immature and irresponsible behaviors.

I believe that understanding a person's behavior empowers us with reason and gives us the necessary personal nature to deal with life's challenges with in positive manner. Frustration and angst are toxic.

I say it is better to feel good about ourselves and let people handle their own business.

My second point of contention with myself is the implication that I may have left God out of my contributions to this blog.

I can say that I have mentioned God. I have even defined the God I serve as the God in the KIng James Bible, who created all that is all.

In addition, just because I do not write God's name does not mean He is not implied. I write all statements as if they begin with "Being that your realtionship with God is okay, then...." Therefore, God is major part of my effortrs here.

This does not mean that I am trying to inductrinate you into the Christian religion. Your decision to serve God or not to serve God can only be made by you.

Serving God is great. However, if you choose not to make this decision, you are still welcome to the advice I place on this site.

Under no circumstances is God saying I am going to torture every person who will not accept my son as their lord and savior.

There will a price to pay for not following God's will. If I told you anything different I would be lying to you.

However, today, God wants all peole free of angst and comfortable with their lives. I believe that if you search deap within yourselve, you will find that your true nature is exactly like God's true nature.

Moreover, you will see that true happiness and joy can only come from living according to the will of God.

He is only asking that we respect Him as the creator who is intelligent enough to create a complex universe and wise enough to assist us in living happy and joyfull lives.

In reality, most of us are doing most of what God wants us to. We are married, working, rasing children, being socially responsible, and searching that which is pure, real, and honest.

In all of our efforts we do not have to live torturous lives as we attempt to pursue the images the media gives.

These images are false and against the true nature of a person.

I have come to the realization that people in the modern world are suffering from what I term Industrialized Mediated Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. To me this is the result of exposure to images that do not make a true contribution to a person's true nature. Consequently the person becomes cold, disinterested, critical, sceptical, unfulfilled, dissatisfied, and unable to recieve pleasure. Does any of these describe you?

I hope not. But if it does, then know that you can find better information to guide you in your life quest. In addition, know that there will be work involved in acquierring a new life.

A major part of this work is going to be to pick your self up and keep yourself happy. There needs to be a sense that you are special, good in nature, and fortunate to belive in yourself.

I call this our Inner smile.

on Feb 24, 2004
I found the religious segment of that article to border on oxymoronicity... but the rest was good.

on Feb 24, 2004
Is oxymoronicity even a word? Oxymoronic perhaps?