Politics of Poverty, Religion, and Race Relations
In Hong Kong people are protesting big business as an ill that hurts average workers and the poor.
I ask why are they poor and don't you know the world keeps advancing and progressing and the only way to provide for your self is to become prepared to participate in real job market.
I think that we all, regardless of our personal reality, have the personal responsibility to take care our
daily needs.
This next comments brings sadness to my heart.
God resides on Heaven, not Wal-Mart. His messengers are all the people that have received Jesus Christ as their lord and savior, regardless of where they can be found.
I think that it is sad that believers are waisting time picketing Wal-Mart when they could be ministering in so many areas of need.
Business are private property and their owners can decide for themselves what holiday messages they will display.
I do not believe Jesus is honored when we confuse the issue of ministry with an issue of forced appeasement.
If you cannot see the simplicity of the issue then you are going to become inflamed. It is fact that militant Islamics are terrorists.
People who are not radical Islamics need to decide whose side they are on.
The billboard in question is talking about giving drivers licenses to people who do not have the right to be in the country and may want harm America and Americans.
Get over your sensitive skin and stop being a emotional knee-jerk reactionary. This act does more to inflame racial tensions then the billboard in question.
If you are in America hopefully you are part of America and want to defend her.