[DESCLAIMER: I TRIED TO WRITE THIS ESSAY INMY CAB. MY LAPTOP BATTERY KEP RUNNIG OUT. HOWEVER, IT IS NOW COMPLETE. I APOLOGIZE FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE]Today, I will discuss how the human spirit effects our life and the public education environment. In my opinion, in order to discuss public education you must discuss the people of public education. There are regular run of the mill people who come to do a good job and go home feeling good about them selves. There are also angry ugly peop...
I was thinking yesterday what would of happened if I had gotten a job as a caseworker. This would have been a job were I would be responsible for helping people with job, education, health, housing, and food needs. Well in answering myself I came to the following conclusions. First, I would want to know “if the person has a fair sense of who he is. You would be surprised how many people do not know who they are in life. Many are just been knocked around by life and making mistakes with...
Everything I do in some way effects others people's life. If I spend my time spewing negative garabage I encourage the vile stench of humanity that pratices hatred and destruction. If I praise God, marriage, monogomy, fidelity, friendship, hard work and sacrafice, personal determination, personal responsibilty, family, positive and loving parenting, and all good values and ideas then I am contributing to a better society. Government by leaving the business of business in the hands ...
We are going to die. Even though we don’t like the perspective this is a very real reality. In addition, people for the most are living for them selves. In this living there is a lot of grief, stress, and angst. The majority is due to our constant interference in God’s plan. He did not just make us. He made us with a plan in mind. Think of it this way you may not like the way you make a living but you do it because not doing it could lead to some drastic outcomes. I am of the ...
The following video blog entry is on surpassing the superficial messages of life and focusing on the real.
It could be possible that we live in a world where many people are confused about the true meaning of life. I know that I talk to a lot of people who are suffering because they cannot get out of life what they want. The following link is to my video blog entry The Meaning of Life. I hope it helps some of you who are struggling in forming an enjoyable life. THE MEANING OF LIFE
Today’s point of meditation is on is the break up of the American family really the thing that will ruin America. I say no. To me what is ruining America is the immature and disinterested attitude of the average American. I see this happening because of how far removed the average person is from God. We are making a mess of things. The more we think education and work can get us what we want the less and less we need God. See, to me, the average person grows up in close proximi...
Today was a strange day. It was one of those days were you expect something to happen yet nothing actually happens. A person who I had talked about Jesus Christ did greet me as a Christian brother. I did find this strange. I had him pegged as a die-hard catholic. To me this means they talk big about their religion but they never go to church. Unless some one is being married or buried, this to me is like the same thing. I can say I have an honest hope that his conversion is real....
This video blog entry is on how you are in control of your life. Free video hosting, video codes at www.vidiLife.com ALEGRIA ONLINE MALL "
The following entry is about my thoughts on life, marriage, work, and education. Free video hosting, video codes at www.vidiLife.com Alegria Online Shopping Mall "
Who gave the democrats the United States of America? I am writting this article while I listen to National Public Radio's analysis of Bush's VICTORY and Kerry's DEFEAT. It appears that there is a lot boohooing about on the part of democratic supporters. In this country there are many diverse ideaologies and no one group owns the collective concious of the people of USA. I hope the next for years is not about everything that Bush is doing wrong. I have no problem with how he is admi...
You should love life so much that every day you wake up with a sweet melody in your heart. Anticipate the worst and plan for it. Being that your philosophy is so great, then your life is also great. A man does no better act than to fight to the death for what he believes. If we loose one, we have lost one to many. What kind of person doesn't know how to love a child? Hard times are there for us to show our composure as we carry our cross with dignity and grace. Life is to...