This essay is about the reasons God will punish man and the actual punishment. It is not intended to create anymore anti-God sentiment. There already is to much of that. I do however, people should be ready for what is coming. To begin with I started this essay by reading through the book of Revelation in the King James Bible. I think verse 9-21 says it best. This verse states " Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of t...
First, let me apologize to the Rudy-candidate for president-people. I forgot about him during my profile of the republican candidates. Well he is small and easy to miss satnding there behind the rest of them. I will do a profile. Not today though. The essay I wrote today has worn me out and I need a rest. If you read further you may understand. I do say having been ordained by God I make the following observations. Today, I plan to condemn conservative radio talk show host Bill ...
I sitting here thinking of what message to give the people of the world. Then I realized that it is not my world. It is not my message. The best thing I can tell you is that Jesus died for the salvation of sinners. You dont have to believe. However, your decision will determine your eternal destiny.
We do not consider many things. I was thinking today that if I were wrong about God and religion then I would die having reached a point in my life where I value good money management, personal responsibility, and human life. However, if I am right then many people are going to have a rude awakening in hell. I think our own arrogance can get us in to a lot of trouble. In addition, we live in a time where we have given our selves permission to be as vicious and violent as we want t...
I will start today by saying that we really do not know much. Any person who makes a living out of true study and investigation I will at least listen to what they say. However, listening does not necessarily mean I am going to agree with them. I think it is sad that we live in a world where every one has convinced them selves that they are the sole authority on every issue. Imagine getting to heaven waiting for Christ’s judgment and finally realizing that every thing you thought was ...
This news story I heard back in the days leading in to Christmas 2006. To me we are going in to the third week after Christmas. The reason I write about it is that I work in the industry that is the backdrop for this story. Apparently, there are Muslims from Somalia who drive taxis in an American city and are refusing to give service to people carrying alcohol and/or have a dog with them. People who are apposed to these actions by these cab drivers make their arguments on basis of a p...
(2 Thessalonians 3:10-15) “. . . If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat. For we hear that there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner, not working at all, but are busybodies. Now those who are such we command and exhort through our Lord Jesus Christ that they work in quietness and eat their own bread. But as for you, brethren, do not grow weary in doing good. And if anyone does not obey our word in this epistle, note that person and do not keep company with...
The in following video entry are my comments on what is human made philosophy and what is ordained by God in the Bible. Free Video Hosting Watch More Videos
I say that we have a lot of time yet before the end of the world, as we know it. I try to pay attention to the leaders in the Christian community professional opinions on Christ return and the end of the current world. What I have gathered is that there are conditions that must exist before the time believers go up to meet Jesus in the clouds and God returns the world back to its Adam and Eve conditions. Most Christian ministers give me the impression that they believe Christ is coming...
I have been thinking about what could be the most honest act I could take to set as a direction for the rest of my life. It has been a difficult question to answer. I could find a job in what I got a degree in at any cost; even moving to another city or I could find an honorable way to live. Outside of a paycheck, I do not know what purpose at job would serve in life. Not to mention a worker is not left alone to do his job. There are to many dysfunctional humans who want to make life...
This video blog is on knowing Jesus Christ. Free video hosting, video codes at ALEGRIA ONLINE MALL "
The future may bring more dissatisfaction with life. It can also bring about peace and tranquility. I am writing this article with the thought of what should be the individual life goal in the modern world. This is important because in order to get somewhere you have to know where you want to go. For a while I have been concerned that our modern world tells people that they must become a college graduate and purchase a certain standard of living. This concerns me because there seems to be...
Before romance comes our relationship with God. Before anything in life comes our relationship with God. This is not because I have said it. It is because that is the way it is. Think of this way. Would a God that wants to be taken seriously by people, tell different people different things? I say that He would not. It would bring in to question His integrity. This point is important because too many people think that there is more than one God. Well a God that wants t...
GROWTH AND MATURITY By Jesus Lopez-Ledesma Edited on Feb 9th, 2003 There may be a reason to wonder exactly what would be a good message to give to the people of the world. For some time, I have wondered about that same question myself. It would be great if all our perceptions were real. The reality is that not much of what we think is actually true. See our problem is that we mix our humanness in to everything. Part of this fact has to do with the fact that by l...
Not the time to give up By Jesus Lopez-Ledesma Wednesday, December 18, 2002 We may not know enough to be sure of God and what the entire Bible tells us. Everyday we have things distract us from our communion with Him. In this distraction, we watch TV programs and listen to radio programs that almost convince us that there may not be a God. In addition, our every day routine keeps us occupied to the point that we do not give as much attention to God as we should. Furthermo...