Today, I heard some one say what I have considered idiotic for a Lawyer. This person was pondering under what authority the state of Texas removed those 400 plus children from the mothers of that polygamous sect. The following information was taken from the Texas Department Of Protective Services web site. “The law requires CPS to notify law enforcement agencies of all reports of alleged abuse or neglect. The law enforcement agency determines, separate from CPS, whether to ...
Today, I plan to write about something very serious. For some time I have been concerned about PTSD as it relats to the soldiers who have experienced combat. Here in El Paso, Texas there has been several incident of young soldiers loosing their lives in car accidents. Alcohol and high speed appears to be involved in some of the accidents. Sometimes people who are suffering try to medicate the pain substances and dangerous behaviors. To start the conversation I will sta...
What is all about? Two days ago I heard Mr. Rush Limbaugh give the most profound monologue on conservatism I have ever heard. For once I did not think his show was just a waste of electricity. I guess I just don't understand the guy. However, while listening to Bill Bennett, Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, Bill Oriely, and that Beck guy I have been wondering why they do not talk specifically about the elements of the conservative movement. Therefore, in the interest of edu...
Okay, I am going to try and hit this nail on the head. If you read your Bible, you will see were man asked one of God's prophets to go and ask God if they could govern themselves. God responded, "okay, but you must follow man's law as well as mine". The point here is that government is a human creation made by humans to serve humans. In the discussion at the so-called "compassion meeting" Hillary and Barak Hussien Obama attended over this weekend many invoked God's name wron...
I have said before that we live in a time where leaders of nations and people have chosen to serve money instead of quality of morality. Ever day we see people choosing profit over morality. I think it is wrong to impose on the president a morality that no longer appllies. People in their purchases and investments fund the Chinese economy. In addition, torture and imprisonment by immoral governments are tolerated ever day. China is accused of punishing freedom ...
As always the world will not stop. McDonalds apparently is heavily involved with the American Gay agenda. I will no longer eat at McDonalds. I was averaging $35 a week. I expect to live at least 20 more years. This means McDonalds will loose aproxiamtely $36, 400. This brings me to my next point. Apparently there was an event were Christian Evangelicals warmed McCain against choosing Rommey for vice president. The negative critics, as they laugh vu...
This is my simple analysis of the current political situation in America. I will start by looking at the voter and the voters relationship with the news media. Sixty percent of elligable voters cannot be bothered to vote. I always see in the news after a national election that about forty percent voted. Of the forty percent who vote eighteen percent vote democrat and eighteen percent vote republican. In addition, I have observed that die-hard support for ...
So, what is the deal with all these politicians getting caught with one form of a prostitute or another? The simple answer is the farther away from God humanity is the harsher the human condition. We are raised to believe in love, romance, monogamy, and respect for a spouse. I know in my life I have seen enough inset messages in Television and Movies about love, romance, and marriage. I my personal life. I have seen no real examples of true love, commitment, and faithfuln...
Today, has to be a black day in American history. For some time I have known that there is a sinister plot by liberals to hijack the republican party. I guess they do not know about conservative's commitment to their values. Therefore, you can take the republican party, but you will not end the conservative movement. People will always believe that government people should be financial responsible...
I am going to try to tie together all my thoughts. My mind is trying to balance my initial goals of mental health with my current devotion to politics. Life is about feeling stress free. This does not mean there will not be stress just that you will be able to manage this stress. Now, I have enough an education in human psychology to know that the human experience is a combination of the biology, chemistry, thoughts, emotions, and spirituality. In addition, one of my biggest self-revela...
There are a lot of serious issues. Terrorists have not decided to disappear. There are still a lot of evil people killing people all over the world. Teen-age pregnancy, substance abuse, dropping out of school, gangs, crime, mental illness, divorce, and many other social ills are still plaguing American society. Therefore, even though a person who turned his back on conservativeness after getting beat by George W. Bush for the presidency is on the road to win the republican nomination ...
Hard to believe that we have gone from Guiliani, Rommey, and Thompson, to McCain. However, before I begin I do have to get one dig in. It was reported today on radio that there were aproximately 130, 000 new jobs created in January. This is at the same rate as the last six years. Furthermore, I am waiting for all the January economic numbers to be reported in February. Now, I will try to talk about politics. It appears that the liberal agenda news has got people all worked up abo...
I am surpised how much is made of the Americran economy after the Christmas shopping season. Everyone knows that after Christmas people leave the part-time jobs they took to save and buy gifts. In addition, during Christmas companies are out to lunch. Many people who do hiring slack of during Christmas and wait till after Christmas to fill vacant positions. Business people know that the first three months of the year everyone stops shopping because they over spent during Christmas.
Today I have economy on the mind. Government does not fuel economic growth. Private citizens with money to invest, fuel economic growth. Government can interfere in how much private citizens investment with policy initiatives. It is a mistake for the FED to keep raising or lowering the interest because it allows corporations to manipulate government and the taxpayer has to pay for this manipulation. The FED changes interest rates on money under the assumption that if does not infl...
There are certain things I just do not want to lower my standards to comment on. However, hearing that Hillary Clinton crying made her look more real and human and that made them vote for her has me concerned. Since I have been paying attention to politics and social issues, I have been hearing people comment on how men and women are equal. Well could a man get away with manipulating people with his tears? I say only if he is a liberal democrat. In addition, what concerns me is...