This is the life of Mr. Jesus Lopez-Ledesma. I plan to write it by starting in the future and working my way back to where I was born. In the year 2007 I confronted the worst days of my life to date. The whole month of February I was sick with body temperature and a mouth infection that made it painful to drink or eat. January was nothing but panic and struggling to make ends meat. In March, the bottom completely fell out of the business I am in and I am now working everyday of th...
Today, I will write on problems in marriage do to failure to fulfill a marriage partner’s intimacy needs. First, allow me to identify what I mean about intimacy needs. I am not just talking about sex. As people, we need to make connections with people that bring joy to our lives. Here, I am talking about the connections bring joy, not necessarily the person. In romantic situations, these connections have to do with pleasure, satisfaction, warmth, love, care, affection, happiness, joy...
Some of the great issues of the day on conservative talk radio were the golden globes, immigration, single women, and Fox’s 24 program. I like entertainment and though I know the entertainment field is putting out garbage I think we would be a worst society if there were no music, movies, or TV programs. On immigration from Mexico I say why don’t these Mexicans put the amount energy in making their country what they want it to be that they use in entering this country. The issue of s...
How do you maintain you integrity? Would it help to know who you are? Moreover, how much can we really ask of our selves? This is after all a complicated world. So what if we speed now and then or look at the girl with a short skirt who bends over to fix her stockings/ Are we supposed to be perfect? How can any one person actually expect to never make a mistake? Better yet, what becomes of a world where we all can conveniently excuse or bad behaviors with complex sophisticated di...
Work does suck. It is suppose to suck. If it did not suck, you would want to spend more time at work then at home. Another point is that your employer is not to blame for everything that went wrong in your life. They have given you a job and it is up to you to use it to accomplish some personal goals. I think that many are missing half of the employment equation. They know they have to work, but they do not know the value of work. When you work you earn and you can use what you e...
Do you know how easy it is to put your self in a good mood? Well you are the one holding resentment and suffering all the negative emotions. Yes. Of course. I do not understand. Your mate is unreasonable and unbearable. They are rude, complacent, immature, a slob, smelly, and other bad adjectives. Well if they are so bad, then why are you with them? I know the answer. You have become emotionally attached to them and find it hard to leave. In fact, if I am right, you did not...
If it was not for love not one of us would bother. It is sad that most of have opted to be nothing more than programmed robots. When we have very little experience with information we fail to learn. When we have missing information we tend to fill in the blanks. People who are making it up as they go make a lot of mistakes. I would have to say that the most pressing issue for people in the modern world and for days to come is to not become an unnatural person. Mention the natural ...
The following video entry are my thoughts on how we can become our own worst enemy.
Things a young child can confess and bring a parent in to a state of shock are I am pregnant, I am gay, I have been doing drugs, I am in love and sleeping with your best friend, and many others. My parenting philosophy is very basic. I think parents should take an active interest in giving their children the necessary mental resources they will need to function in the current world environment. To me this means handling inter-personal relationships, morality, emotional balance, relati...
The first thing I wan to say today is that my intent here is not to create cynicism and skepticism and/or add to these practices. We already have enough of that in this world. I believe that half the job of solving a problem is to figure out what the problem is in the first place. Therefore, I want to shine the light on the issue and encourage people to get involved in solving the problem. I will give God a great recognition for one of His greatest creations; life. God only you...
We are so suppose to actually have a life. No having a full life does not mean that it is hopeless. We must consider that we are always in charge. It is for us to accept Jesus Christ invitation to heaven. Repent, confess, ask for forgiveness, and ask Christ to be your Lord and Savior. It is for us to date, fall in love, and get married. It is for us to look at what we have verses lamenting what do not have. It is for us to be mature and not petty and vindictive. It is fo...
Today’s article is on duty, balance, and intimacy. Duty means taking care of what needs to be taken care off in the home. This should be mostly easy. All you have to do to earn money is work. Money is what you need to pay the bills, buy groceries, pay rent, and put gas in your car. Most people are able to accomplish these routine tasks. I, however, am surprised at how many people live in what I would call pig sties. It helps me to do a little bit every day. I have found letting th...
Today, I plan to share the messages of choices. I have been talking to people who give me the impression that they must have life the way they want it. One of the things I have recently learned is that part of our hardship comes from not wanting to accept our real life. I would say dreams are nice. Accomplishing our dreams is even nicer. However, dreams with out any real work can be a source of stress. Look, I have been trying to write an essay on why I write in this blog. There ...
There come a time when you have stop thinking about life and start living life. It is a tragedy to think of how many people are spending their lives wishing there was some one they could share their lives with. Now there are issues for men and issues for women when talking about taking steps to be in a relationship. A man has to pursue, most of the time. These means he has to have courage to over come his fear of rejection and being laughed at. How does a shy man over come his dis...
This video blog entry is on flirting, dating, marriage, and life. Free video hosting, video codes at ALEGRIA ONLINE MALL "