[DESCLAIMER: I TRIED TO WRITE THIS ESSAY INMY CAB. MY LAPTOP BATTERY KEP RUNNIG OUT. HOWEVER, IT IS NOW COMPLETE. I APOLOGIZE FOR ANY INCONVENIENCE]Today, I will discuss how the human spirit effects our life and the public education environment. In my opinion, in order to discuss public education you must discuss the people of public education. There are regular run of the mill people who come to do a good job and go home feeling good about them selves. There are also angry ugly peop...
Man I cannot believ it. I had a great article about Ma Moo's visit. Let me see if I can recreat the bullet points. I had mentioned that I would like to condemm "that university" and all the liberals who made a big deal of having this person in America. In addition, I mentioned how many of the conservative talk show host were criticising Bush for not denying a visa to Ma Moo. When I mentioned this point is when I made the point that Bush might be the smartest man in the room. I am ...
Believe that you can fly, love America, and defend her with your life. I still champion life There comes a time when you wonder if people get it. In reality, most people are not smart enough to get it. I once heard a liberal argue that the average American was not smart enough to understand the evolutionist argument. This was during the time of the evolutionist vs. intelligent design debate. I thought it was interesting that a liberal would go so far as to call her supporters stupid...
At any given time I can lay down words on any issue. Sometimes I challenge myself and meditate on issues that do not involve me, like female breast enhancement. Breast might be good to look at but I will never have to go through the grulling surgery that might lead to infection. Today, I am sort of in a "leave me alone mood". The world does not seen to want to quit. Who am I kidding? The democrats do not seen to want to quit. They had a symbolic vote on troop reduction just to put...
I have two thoughts today. As I was listenning to Bill Bennets "Morning in America" radio show I heard a guest report on the improving status of drug use, abortions, dependency on welfare, and other social crisis. Well, I tried to find the guest of Fridays September 21, 2007 Bill Bennet 'Morning in America" show but I was unable to. However, I find his comments interesting. Again the democrats are speaking the rhetoric of the "politics of poverty". According to them America is an econo...
Ok, I really do not like HIllary Clinton and I think time is better spent focusing on the positives in the conservative movement. However, this talk about a need for healthcare reform has gotten my attention. In this debate, the first point I would like to make is that less than 14 percent are uninsured in America. The news has been reporting that 44 million are unisured. Well, there is 300 known people in America. I divided 300 in to 44 (300/44) and I got 13.6 percent. Now, how sho...
I was thinking yesterday what would of happened if I had gotten a job as a caseworker. This would have been a job were I would be responsible for helping people with job, education, health, housing, and food needs. Well in answering myself I came to the following conclusions. First, I would want to know “if the person has a fair sense of who he is. You would be surprised how many people do not know who they are in life. Many are just been knocked around by life and making mistakes with...
Well do not let it be said I am a lap dog for Bush. I asses Mr. Bush to be a good person and a great president. It is about time some one stood up and defended America. So I come here today again in defense of the President. It seems that Greenspan, who at one time was considered the most powerful man in the world because he could increase or reduce interest rates has been out attacking the president. Now the news media takes this as criticisms that come from an educated accomplished...
This week’s review of the news stories in the El Paso Sunday times will be mostly my opinion and no quotes. There is just too much news and I have very little patience. The first story I want to comment on is the one Titled ARCHBISHOPS OF CANTERBURY TO BE IN U.S. TO AVERT ANGELICAN, EPISCOPAL SPLIT OVER GAY BISHOP. This is easy to comment on. In the Bible, God says to not be unequally yoked with a sinner. To me the mere fact that this church has elected a gay person, living the gay lif...
Everything I do in some way effects others people's life. If I spend my time spewing negative garabage I encourage the vile stench of humanity that pratices hatred and destruction. If I praise God, marriage, monogomy, fidelity, friendship, hard work and sacrafice, personal determination, personal responsibilty, family, positive and loving parenting, and all good values and ideas then I am contributing to a better society. Government by leaving the business of business in the hands ...
Sometimes you have to look inside yourself and try to find something human. The president of the U.S. has served this country well. The economy is growing and very healthy. Education is being held to some important standards. Schools may not be able to meet the requirements of No Child Left Behind, but that is not a presidential failure. After September 11, 2001 the President understood the challenge and sacrificed his own personal reputation to deal with this challenge. Today, the ...
There really is not much to say. Congress elects Patreus. He is sent to Iraq. After the time alloted, he comes back to the U.S. to give a report to congress that congress said should be given by the president. The demoocrats made a big stink that Bush would only be delivering a pretty report. Therefore, Bush says, "Okay I'll send the Ambassador and Patreus to congress. However, many democrats call Mr. Patreus a liar to his face. Is this fair play? Are democrats being honest ...
This is my review of some of the stories in the El Paso Sunday Times of September 9, 2007. The first thing to report is that three soldiers who were stationed in Ft Bliss, TX, which is in El Paso, TX lost their lives in Iraq. They are Lee C. Wilson of Chapel Hill, NC, Cpl Jason J. Hernandez of Streetsboro, Ohio, and Cpl Thomas L. Hilbert of Venus, Texas. In the story named Iraq military advisers to warn against changing strategy it is reported that “US Ambassador Ryan Crocker who ha...
Well I heard the radio interview between Fred Thompson and Laura Igraham. I was not impressed. However let me tell you that yesterday on the news that PBS runs I heard Thompson say that he loves America and believes she needs good leadership, implying that he would be this good leadership. That was a good part. However, today in the interview with Ms. Ingraham I heard him respond if we keep going the same way we are going we are not going to win the war on terror and that we need other ...
Well, finally Fred Thompson has declared his is running for the presidency. I do not like that he did on Jay Leno. To me we are talking about serious business that people with education and breeding need to be on top of. Declaring on Leno is like going to the bar with "midget tossing", very low class. However, there you are. He is in and his credentials are good. He has been a lawyer, government men with a lot of experience, and does not appear to have detrayed conservative principals...