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jesseledesma's Articles » Page 11
October 11, 2007 by jesseledesma
I think I am a point were all I can do is report on the political action. I say this because a few days after Thompson's first debate and the snipping pre-modanas are already out and viciously criticizing him. I did find the following quote which sums up my thoughts about the current race for the presidency. It is from an article by Ariel Sabar that was in the Science Monitor and appeared on a yahoo website (http://news.yahoo.com/s/csm/20071011/ts_csm/afredspeaks_1;_ylt=Agdcn0f9_2RmY0kLj...
October 10, 2007 by jesseledesma
Today, I will be talking about how politicians have pitted the poor against the rich. During the flower love, drug/alcohol, and all the free sex you can get your hands on seventies those against Vietman justified their objection by pointing to all the precieved problems in America. Since then democrats have placated the poor and supporters of the poor to get votes. Republicans who do not want to be labeled insensitive to the plight of the poor sometimes also placate the "politics of pov...
October 9, 2007 by jesseledesma
I just washed the republican debate of the MSNBC website. The criteria I was using to evaluate the candidates was was the person a good sales person for his message and was the person good at taking the democrats to task. I also was looking to see were the candidates stood on the issues. However, I paid more attention on presentation and understanding their competitor, Hillary Clinton. My issues evaluation comes down to the conclusion that to much time was spent on issues that are not...
October 8, 2007 by jesseledesma
This is a response to Laura Ingraham loud-mouth diatribe against president Bush this morning. Ms. Ingraham was talking about a decision by Bush to stay an execution of a Texas criminal. Ingraham informed her listeners that Bush made his decision based on an international agreement that citizens from foriegn countries shall have the right to talk to their country's counsolate when being questioned in a criminal investigation. I say Mr. Bush, the president, was right in his decision. If...
October 7, 2007 by jesseledesma
Yes, today-even though we do not think about God-the fight between good and evil continues. Evil democrats want people to believe that America is in a crisis. If there is a crisis in America it is one of biblical proportions. What would you like to teach your children? How to get pregnant by 13, be come addicted to drugs, be lazy, not invest in a future, attack his or her neighbor, disregard what they have, and spend their time spewing childish, negagtive, and destructive criticism, lik...
October 6, 2007 by jesseledesma
No matter what life is going to continue to go foward. Right now as you read this article very bad people are planning the next terrorist strike in America. The illness that might take your life is getting started. You employer, in order to cut cost, may be making plans to cancel your job. Therefore, we do not know what is lumming over the horizon. If we fail to plan for what may happen, we leave our selves open to many tragedies. Before November, 2008 you can register to vote, ...
October 2, 2007 by jesseledesma
If conservatives are serious about getting a republican back in the White House, they better stop expecting that Christians compromise on their values. Being that we know where we were in life before Christ came in to our lives we will never turn our backs on him. Jesus is sacred to Christians. Asking them to pick a candidate that is of a religion that is a polar opposite of Christainity or who has publicly disrespected Christianity is like asking Christians to turn their back on Jesus, ...
October 1, 2007 by jesseledesma
First, let me apologize to the Rudy-candidate for president-people. I forgot about him during my profile of the republican candidates. Well he is small and easy to miss satnding there behind the rest of them. I will do a profile. Not today though. The essay I wrote today has worn me out and I need a rest. If you read further you may understand. I do say having been ordained by God I make the following observations. Today, I plan to condemn conservative radio talk show host Bill ...
September 30, 2007 by jesseledesma
The following information I obtained from NY Times website (http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/t/fred_thompson/index.html?inline=nyt-per). In this information, the reader can see Mr. Thompson’s education and experience. I will just make some quick comments. I have already criticized Mr. Thompson for sounding too much like a politician, which we do not need. The public at large wants to criticize Thompson for his involvement in campaign finance reform. I be...
September 30, 2007 by jesseledesma
In an article I found on a Yahoo web site title Dozens of insurgents die in Iraq battles written by STEVEN R. HURST, Associated Press Writer, the following information appears. The astericks denote a different part of the story. Even though the quotes run one after the other here they did not appear in the story as they are dsiplayed here. I find it interesting that it was not that long ago people were calling Patraeus a liar. Now in this story more than one story of American military v...
September 30, 2007 by jesseledesma
Back when I started looking at issues, I came to the conclusion that the reason American society is in such chaos is because the messages that come from media some how get some people to think that some else should be in charge of their lives. In my opinion, there is a lot of rhetoric about the plight of the poor and underprivilaged in the news media. Yes, I do believe that every person is valueable and we should help when we see a person in real trouble. However, some messages in soc...
September 28, 2007 by jesseledesma
On this review of McCain’s’ profile I reviewed his biography, criticisms of him, and his values. The one big problem for me is that in my opinion McCain has been a political opportunist by attacking president Bush. I have said before an enemy of Bush is an enemy of mine. However, I will play fair and list some facts here for the reader’s review. McCain’s criticisms of Christian’s leader also does not sit well with me. However, I will say that if the choice is between McCain and any...
September 28, 2007 by jesseledesma
Today's essay is going to be hard to develope, but well worth the effort. I am building it on the premise that the USA cannot continue busness as ussual in international affairs. The U.S. has the United Nations, NATO, direct communication, and a state department to get her message out. In addition, sometimes America uses insentives and/or force to gain cooperation with other countries. I think the human condition is going to get worse and thus actions of countries and their government...
September 27, 2007 by jesseledesma
I know the American liberal news media is not going to play fair and keep people informed on conservative candidates. Therefore, I guess I will have to do double dutty and try to bring as much information to the public on my blog. I did a simple search for Fred Thompson on his web site and I found this quote on the home page. "We are steeped in the tradition of honor and sacrifice for the greater good. We are proud of this heritage. I believe that Americans are once again ready to a...
September 27, 2007 by jesseledesma
Paying attention to the world allows us to learn. In the last months I have seen a sinister relationship between Iran, China, and Russia. It appears that they have a global agenda were these three can dominate the world. In fact, it is so sinister that China, Iran, and Russia are providing information that hurts Amreicans or has the potential for harming Americans to enemies of America. In my way of thinking it is hard to see any state government attacking America. That government k...