What is life? For some years I have been giving my opinions on life. Just recently I wrote that life is being able to be happy with what you have and being able to enjoy yourself. In the modern world, the message is given that careers and financial stability are important for an enjoyable life. If money was all it took, then Britney Spears and Amy Winehouse would be among the happiest people on the planet. However, we see by their personal dramas being played out on the news media everyday...
The big question of the day is who is Borak Husien Obama? Thats right I typed his complete name. My question is "who cares who Borak Husien Obama is? He does have political friends ands supporters. That is one big problem in American politics. Just because peole show up at a political rally, the news report it as if every one in the world was there at the rally. All candidates have supporters. Maybe not enough, to get elected , but they have support...
Of the two presidential "wannabes" in the democratic summer camp Hillary Clinton has a more realistic view of political direction and has a more professional presentation. I know you all are thinking this conservatie has lost his mind. Well I have not. I do not like democrats. I think they are the worst evil that exist in America. In my mind, nothing is worse than some one with false promises playing with people's dreams. However, if democrats are to b...
I am going to try to tie together all my thoughts. My mind is trying to balance my initial goals of mental health with my current devotion to politics. Life is about feeling stress free. This does not mean there will not be stress just that you will be able to manage this stress. Now, I have enough an education in human psychology to know that the human experience is a combination of the biology, chemistry, thoughts, emotions, and spirituality. In addition, one of my biggest self-revela...
It is official. I am crazy. On January 31, I accepted a position as a Counselor Intern in a Drug and Treatment center. Today, 19th of February I resigned that position. When I took the job I did not know why I took it. I do not know why I resigned. I do know that I am convinced that the world does not function anymore. This last point brings me to my overall point of this BLOG. Mr. McCain sold his soul to the devil banking on the support of in...
A very long time ago I started thinking about what are the contributing factors to social issues. I can to the conclusion that there is a social force that creates destructive attitudes in people. Then, I came to the conclusion that this creation of destructive attitudes is deliberate. It helps liberals, whether in politics or in the media, to have people buy in to their emotional diatribe about fairness and justice. It by all means is sad that people suffer in life. However, it is e...
There are a lot of serious issues. Terrorists have not decided to disappear. There are still a lot of evil people killing people all over the world. Teen-age pregnancy, substance abuse, dropping out of school, gangs, crime, mental illness, divorce, and many other social ills are still plaguing American society. Therefore, even though a person who turned his back on conservativeness after getting beat by George W. Bush for the presidency is on the road to win the republican nomination ...
Hard to believe that we have gone from Guiliani, Rommey, and Thompson, to McCain. However, before I begin I do have to get one dig in. It was reported today on radio that there were aproximately 130, 000 new jobs created in January. This is at the same rate as the last six years. Furthermore, I am waiting for all the January economic numbers to be reported in February. Now, I will try to talk about politics. It appears that the liberal agenda news has got people all worked up abo...
I am surpised how much is made of the Americran economy after the Christmas shopping season. Everyone knows that after Christmas people leave the part-time jobs they took to save and buy gifts. In addition, during Christmas companies are out to lunch. Many people who do hiring slack of during Christmas and wait till after Christmas to fill vacant positions. Business people know that the first three months of the year everyone stops shopping because they over spent during Christmas.
Today I have economy on the mind. Government does not fuel economic growth. Private citizens with money to invest, fuel economic growth. Government can interfere in how much private citizens investment with policy initiatives. It is a mistake for the FED to keep raising or lowering the interest because it allows corporations to manipulate government and the taxpayer has to pay for this manipulation. The FED changes interest rates on money under the assumption that if does not infl...
There are certain things I just do not want to lower my standards to comment on. However, hearing that Hillary Clinton crying made her look more real and human and that made them vote for her has me concerned. Since I have been paying attention to politics and social issues, I have been hearing people comment on how men and women are equal. Well could a man get away with manipulating people with his tears? I say only if he is a liberal democrat. In addition, what concerns me is...
It is the 7th day of January 2008. Verily a week is over and a lot of political drama has happened in American society. There have been primaries for each party in different states. Couples of debates on television have also happened. My observations of all these activities are on pettiness and the impact of the future. Back in the Regan years I realized that Americans are fickle when it comes to politics. One day they love. Another day they hate you. A lot of this...
Today I have a lot on my mind. I think the American voter is about to make the worse mistake they have ever made by who they chose as the next president of the United States of America. The next voting season not only will elect a president, but also some congressional representatives. My dilemma is that I do not value the philosophies of the Democratic Party. However, many republicans have started behaving as liberals. Therefore, what do you when you don’t support democrat party ...
The year of 2007 started with fear of what the newly democratic controlled congress was going to do to the USA. Right out of the box they tried to impeach the president and take the troops out of Iraq with sinister ploys of defunding the war. The new congress came to learn that Americans are not defeatist. Even though there was ranker from liberals many more were in favor of letting the military fight the war in Iraq. Yesterday I read in the local newspaper that there has b...