Everything was so so yesterday. No major tragedies occurred. I have decided to display an excerpt from Spanish Isla: A Romance With Life. Enrique Helps Cathleen Cathleen saved him the trip. A state trooper was investigating a report of a gunshot and discovered Isidro’s body. After he identified the body, he went to start finding out what happened to him. This led him to the Mirage and to Cathleen. Upon hearing the news, she was devastated. Cathleen cried for ...
In the my continuing effort to document the tragedies of my life I offer these two new entries. I looked at my college graduation schedule and learned that I have eight more course to take instead of the 4 I thought were left. I was counting on graduating in august so I could get a better job and be able to relax and not starve to death. This may actually be a blessing in disguize. I can improve my GPA and have better luck at grad school. Second, I finally published a 386 romance n...
This is written on 4/27/2004. The day I was going to give myself a break. Well things just kept getting interesting. I went to a city office for the paper work to start my own business. The person there tells me that they may be requirring younger vehicles than the one I own. For a long time any vehilce year was acceptable. Does it have to be right now when I see myself sinking that they have to change the vehicle requirements? My second thought is I am going to see if I can ...
Just so you don't think I am loosing my mind I will let you know this. i was going to take a day of to think and relax. A metal gallon of carosene leaked all over the floor. It has not been moved for a long time and today it leaks from the bottm all over my floor. Second, there is street water crew digging up the street directly infront of my apartment. Oh well, so much for rest and relaxation
For a long time I have known that deep inside me is a person who values the beauty of life. This incoporates tradition, decency, peace, tranquility, and a beautiful/romantic vision. However, everyday I see a world of people who desire to sink deeper and deeper in the muck. Now don't get me wrong. I am not against people. In fact, I think that all people can have their perfect/ideal life. Well, at least I used to think that. I have for a time known that we are all just pawns on the ...
Legacy. I think that the most important threat to American society and humanity is childish and bad attitude. Mature people are needed to confront the serious challenges that life presents, not people trying to sound important and with a bad need to be listened to. To me the pervasive negative cruel attitude in the average person’s heart is what is responsible for the majority of social ills. Here, I am talking about crime, teenage pregnancy, gangs, drugs, corruption, and basic ru...
It is unfortunate that a good number of parents are not teaching their children the intricacies of balancing a checkbook, saving for the retirement years, how to manage romantic relationships, and their civic responsibilities. I believe this is do to the fact that present American culture only values work and success. In addition, values should be passed down to children by the parents. Today’s parents are engaged in earning a living and hiding from the bad choice they married. ...
Trauma is an event that causes distress to the system. Sometimes this distress can be of the nature that results in phobia. There are people who are thought phobic. They fear thoughts they believe can bring them close to the traumatic event. The process is as follows: 1. the person desires, 2. this desire causes fear, 3. the fear is overwhelming( more than the person can deal with), 4. little be little the persons attempt at repressing this fear leads to pain and suffering. In ...
It all starts with us. That is right every relationship starts with us. We may want to make it about other people. However, the reality is that we are the ones who put in emotions and we are the ones that take out emotions. Therefore, complaining about how your spouse does not make you happy is really irrelevant. We should be complaining about how we do not make our selves happy. You are right in your perception that there are ugly mean people in the world. Their exsistance however...
I believe the greatest challenge to humanity is evil. The reason you do things you know are wrong is evil. How else would you explain reseanably sound people going against their better judgement? Now, I know that this is not a comfortable thought for many people. The reason being that many of us have been conditioned to a negative knee-jerk reaction to God and any mention of Him draws a lot of vial resistance. Th echos of can be heard around the world. What can also be heard aro...
Environment does matter. In addition, the most important environment is the environment in your head. This is the environment of ideas, thoughts, emotions, and sensations. Here, is where we analyze the world according to what experience has taught us. This is also the place where we build walls to surround our suffering. Yes, that is correct, for some people life is not a complete festival. These people live an experience of torturous emotions and defeating thoughts. As much...
Cold Dark World. Thunder echoes around us. Wind blows the heat from our bodies as debris and foliage moves around us. We stand frightened in shock. Our faces are pale, with a pathetic wanting look. There are no any ideas or expectations. In our disdain for life, we have an indignant stance. Never again will we dream or desire. Instead, we stand in front of people as they speak. Now and then, we nod and make a smile. When we are, alone we look forward. We will look ...
It is encouraging that God is in charge. For a while I have been concerned about the destiny of the human race being that currently I see the human experience in a critical crisis. I have never been a person who looks at the negative. I have been negative. However, I am not negative in spirit. This is why I believe in self-determination. I also know that in all of us is a pilot light of faith that guides us in the correct way. That is why even though we exhibit bad behaviors we ye...
Common logic is a good tool in making decisions. Most decisions are thought propositions. To me this means thinking things through. However, how do you deal with those nagging sensations to do something. I have to say that one must have a standard. It really would be great if we could anything we want without any bad results. The freedom from anxiety would be refreshing. However, thinking things through allow us to truely value the decisions we have made. The reader of this blog s...
Today I plan to answer some citcisms I have of myself. My first concern is why I make political commentary when I say my blog is on perserving life and human dymanics. Well, I believe that before we can change the world, we have to change ourselves. All my articles are written with the intent on educaing the reader on how to live a complete life experience. We may not want to accept it, but we are all tied to one another. Our actions make contributions in the lives of others. In...