Overview of the Brain’s Biology Influence on Depression and an Associative Disorder When we study at university, we have the advantage of learning a subjective at a more in depth level. Sometimes this lends to better perspective. This paper is the result of comparing theory of human behavior with known medical science that explains the brain’s biological influence on human behavior. The focus of this paper is to show examples of how the biology of the human brain, including phy...
The nuclear threat from North Korea and Iran and the actions of Syrian leadership are giving the perception that American security is at risk. Iran and North Korea could sell their nuclear technology to terrorist or use nuclear weapons against America themselves. It appears the people reporting on these issues want the American government to attack these countries. I say be patient, be exact about the price for attacking or supporting an attack on US citizens, apply economic sa...
Okay so you upset your woman and you do not know why. Women like all people are like little children. Every one of us cops an attitude when we do not get what we want. Women are no different. This paper is for men who have failed in meeting their romantic partners intimacy needs and now find themselves receiving the cold shoulder or being treated to crass comments. Your partner is rebelling against the little attention (if any) she is getting from you. The solution is to fir...
It is hard to imagine how we got to be so persecutory and anti-everything. I do not see a common shared decency in people. Everyday, I see examples of man’s inhumanity to man: and I not talking about what goes on in countries that are run by ruthless dictators. I am talking about the dirty looks, antagonistic comments, and right down viciousness of people. Where I am working right now there are two women that have taken upon themselves to cause me a lot of grief. They are always...
You have to be real. Regardless of the person you really are, in order to have success in romance you have to be a real person. Now I know that a lot has changed. People are more liberal about their sexual practices. Most people this day are having sex before marriage. I also know that most people are confused about intimacy and romance. The person you are with is very good at communicating their needs and interest. You may not wish to pay attention or listen to them. Howe...
Before romance comes our relationship with God. Before anything in life comes our relationship with God. This is not because I have said it. It is because that is the way it is. Think of this way. Would a God that wants to be taken seriously by people, tell different people different things? I say that He would not. It would bring in to question His integrity. This point is important because too many people think that there is more than one God. Well a God that wants t...
This may sound phony. However, our first thought, when we wake up should be " Do I like myself?" We are going to go out and confront life and our spirit is what is going to get us through it. If we do not like ourselves, how are we going to make it? Well it is going to be rather hard. Every negative thought is going to keep weighing on you until you are completely frustrated and exhausted. Therefore, consider your true-life experience. How bad can your life really be. You h...
Who gave the democrats the United States of America? I am writting this article while I listen to National Public Radio's analysis of Bush's VICTORY and Kerry's DEFEAT. It appears that there is a lot boohooing about on the part of democratic supporters. In this country there are many diverse ideaologies and no one group owns the collective concious of the people of USA. I hope the next for years is not about everything that Bush is doing wrong. I have no problem with how he is admi...
Bagging a Babe So you have some reservations about your ability to get some ones attention. Well the problem is that you have not had a good look at yourself in the mirror. Now, having read the last statement may make you want to plan my untimely death. However, the reality is that all romantic quests begin with a thorough introspection. You should be looking for all your personal qualities that turn people off. In addition, regardless of popular opinion that gives the impression t...
Psycho-Identity Complex By Mr. Jesus Lopez-Ledesma The following paper is my perception of the development of individual human nature. I see the creation of human nature as the result of the human constitution interacting with the environment. I define environment as all sources of information. In my formulation of my theory, I have identified several terms. These terms are Contemporary American Industrial Society, Psycho-Identity Complex, Functional Operationalism, Personal ...
Overview of Human Psychological Theories By Mr. Jesus Lopez-Ledesma The following pages are my review of the ten psychotherapy techniques discussed in Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy. Through this review I ignored parts of theories that I did not see significant. In addition, I directly quoted when I believed that the exact quote was needed in order to understand the principle. Moreover, I have held my observations of the individual theories until the end. I h...
I say that the first challenge is to give God His rightful place in our lives. Another challenge is for for women to stop thinking their it and don't have to do their part in a relationship. No man wants to spend the rest of his life having to justify the 101 criticisms that are lobbed at him every second of time He spends with his partner. Right now I would say that the major relationship problem is getting over our phoniness that we have an answer for everything. The fear of being f...
You should love life so much that every day you wake up with a sweet melody in your heart. Anticipate the worst and plan for it. Being that your philosophy is so great, then your life is also great. A man does no better act than to fight to the death for what he believes. If we loose one, we have lost one to many. What kind of person doesn't know how to love a child? Hard times are there for us to show our composure as we carry our cross with dignity and grace. Life is to...
GROWTH AND MATURITY By Jesus Lopez-Ledesma Edited on Feb 9th, 2003 There may be a reason to wonder exactly what would be a good message to give to the people of the world. For some time, I have wondered about that same question myself. It would be great if all our perceptions were real. The reality is that not much of what we think is actually true. See our problem is that we mix our humanness in to everything. Part of this fact has to do with the fact that by l...
Every day we face a lot. There are thoughts of unresolved issues, work, relationships, groceries, bank visits, children, traffic, and many more demands and challenges. Through our day, we will contemplate life and place in life. For many people these thoughts will lead to depression and hopelessness. God has stopped being an important issue in many people’s life. Some people who have a relationship with God still suffer from a lack of direction and purpose. I th...