Is it social unacceptable to ask the poor why they are poor. How about how does some one classify poor? Is a person with a 40k salary, carrying more debt then they can afford a poor person? For me a person with no income, home, or food is poor. However this does not mean that I am going to clothe, shelter, and feed them. If I do all of these things what is there incentive to do it for themselves? Yesterday I asked in my BLOG why the poor have children, k...
Even as Ms. Clinton's political career is coming to an end we keep seeing evidence of how much more unattractive Mr. Obama is as a politician. Just as the whole Reverend Wright drama had settled down, here comes another clergy man talking the same politics of radical "dark skinism". Now Mr. Obama has resigned from this church. He however, did not resign the twenty years he was associated with this church and listenning to all these anti-white radical rhetoric comments. ...
I had a lot on my mind today. I think I am able to write about all of it. However, let me first publicly ridicule the fool who actually wrote as a response to my last article that I had obviously not been to Marti Gras since people keep their clothe on at this event. I ask what kind of fool makes such an irrational statement. Okay it is a given that I have not been to Mardi Gras. However, I have seen many of the live video that is taken at this event that clearly sh...
I am sitting here thinking about what is all about. The United States of America is in the road to choosing a new president. The issues seen to be Mr. Bush lied, he is a dirty good for nothing, the wars are the reason for the economic crisis in America, and a democrat can undo all Mr. Bush did to make America a disaster. If you hold these ideas then you have been very well brainwashed by the liberal-agenda driven, news media. Mr. Bush has not lied. In 1996, the Unit...
It is my opinion that American oil companies are earning grouse profits. I was doing a simple search on the Internet on oil profits and I found reports of 30 percent in profit growth for oil companies since 2005. One stat was that one oil company made 89 percent profit. Having stated the above do I believe that government at any level should start regulating oil company profits? The answer is an emphatic no. Government can only kill American economic growth by interfering...
Today, I will write about the importance of "property rights" of the individual in America and how small things can harm you. This is a response to reports of Mr. Obama's comments on "tiny Iran" and about how "we cannot eat what we want, keep our thermostats at 72, and drive our SUV's. First I would like to say that gluttony has its price. As personal concept of not over indulging, I am in agreement. Societies that indulge perish. Look at the no-longer existin...
I am going to tell you what is wrong with conservatives. You do not speak with a smile in your voice when you speak. People are not war weary. They are tired of angry complainers. I listen to Bill Bennett, Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'riely, Denis Miller, and Hanity. None of these people speak as if conservative is something good and joyfull. In my opinion, they spend their timing complaining about the democrats. After listenning to these conserv...
In speaking to Israel, the president of the United States was right. Obama, Hillary, and many democrats have espoused the idea that if we just leave the terrorist alone they would leave us alone. Obama, himself wants to sit down and have a heart to heart with a man who calls Israel the "little satan" and the US the "big satan", who must be destroyed. What"s the matter Obama? Didn't you know that Iran's leadership is responsible for most of the world's terrorism. Eve...
Why is it so easy for politicians to manipulate people? When you look at McCain, Hillary, and Obama, you may think that they are not sincere in their rhetoric. I would say that that is a good analysis. One of my biggest problems with the current political situation in American is that insincere people are managing to grasp the attention of voters. Makes me wonder about the sincerity of the voter. A couple of days ago I had a conversation with two men abo...
It is important that we do not get carried away by the fever of the mob. When George W. Bush ran for the first time there was a fever of excitement because of the novelty. Getting carried away by the mob may mean a person does not think and make good choices. However, Mr. Bush had actual substance to his policies. Mr. Bush and I are in sync about the direction of the country. The president is right about retirement investment being a personal matter, not a governmen...
I plan to write two simple profiles and then ask a question. Ms. Hillary Clinton is a woman married to a "cheater" who has on occassion defended her husband for sake of politics. In addition, she has no real values and just tows the democrat philosophical line because thats what you do when you are a democrat. Moreover, she has no several occasions stretched the truth. Mr. Borak Obama is a person associated with a 1970's radical and a black radical minister who has had mad...
The president did not misspeak. When he was on the naval ship in front of banner 'Mission Accomplished", the president was right. Sadam had been removed from power and the Iraqi Army had given up the fight. The mission was to take Sadam out of power. He was the leader of Iraq. The war was against Iraq. Once the leader leaves and the army stops fighting, the war is over. It was not Mr. Bush's fault that the religious zealots wanted to control the country w...
This really will not take long. When Mr. Bill Clinton was in office I sat down and did a simple psycholgical analysis of him. It was not that flattering. A few minutes ago I watched Barak Hussien Obama speak about everything that is wrong with Mr. Jeremia Wright's latest diatribe. I saw Mr. Obama smiling to himself in what I would describe a gloating fashion. The three instances werer as Obama came to point in his speech were he believed that his carefully crafted words we...
Do I hate gays? The answe is no. I think hate is a useless emotion that does not build anything positive. However, if homosexual relationships are suppose to be about loving some one and sharing your life with them, then why all the politics? There in is my discontent. I believe in the right of individuals to live their "private lives" according to their desires. It is not for me to offer opinion, nor petition congress. Gays and lesbians cannot say their ...
There used to be a time that it was easy to predict political outcomes in America. All a person had to do was see which candidate the news media spent most of its time rediculing and reporting on that candidates "integrity flaws". For example when ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and all the rest spent almost every reporting minute reporting on "its the economy stupid" during the George H Bush vs. Slick Willy presidential campaing. It was not the economy. Unemployment was low and ec...